About the Music

Did you guys know that before making this game, I just made music?

Probably not.

Although now you do.

Anyways, what you probably didn't know is that I made all the music for my game myself. It's pretty dope. Currently, though, we only have five songs, although as I go along, I'll keep updating that number.

If you're interested in listening to them, there is a dropbox link here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w17iqdphfdqaohu/AAARew4E6r1sbFPj04QV3ZXaa?dl=0


Probably Boss Music: The first track I wrote for the game. As the name suggests, it's probably going to be boss music. It's actually a remix of an older song I did, that happens to be one of my favorites, called "Something Old, Something New", and it's a theme I intend to return to as the 'signature motif' of the game. Sort of like how when you think of the music from Undertale, you immediately think of Megalovania, but after that, you go start to think of the motif of the song named 'UNDERTALE', which appears in songs such as Home, Hopes and Dreams, and he even goes back to that motif in his other game DELTARUNE a few times. It's a thing that I think Toby Fox did really well while making his games, and as they say, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery". So yes I'm stealing his idea.

Combat 1: A short track I've been listening to on repeat for too long. I like it, but for the full game, I intend to make a longer version of the track that's more complex, and thus the name "Combat 1". This track was inspired by combat music from other RPG-Esque games like the battle theme from Pokemon, Undertale, Earthbound, and other types of games in that style of music. It wasn't a difficult track to put together, but it sure was interesting to make, and I really can't wait for it to get put into the game so that the battles seem more intense than they are without them.

Adventuring Maybe: I don't like this one. It's probably not going into the final game, but until then it will be a placeholder.

Adventuring Probably: The replacement for Adventuring Maybe. Adventuring Maybe is still staying in the OST tho. This one happens to be another remix of a previous song, called "It's a celebration!" or something along those lines. Directly inspired by this track from the Terraria Otherworld OST, For anyone who remembers 1.3 Moonlord, You'll probably get why it was originally named that.

Katsentanz!!: Got the idea of the name from a webcomic by BeaR called "You've got to be kitten me". Maybe that's spoiling too much, but one of the episode names was "katzenjammer" which translates to hangover in german. On a related note, according to google translate, 'katzenjammen' is cat jamming. I tried a few others, and eventually landed on 'Katzentanz', which translates to 'cat dance'. Attempting to avoid too many spoilers here, but this is going to be one of the first 'Character Musics'. Feel free to figure out what that means. By the way, this one is most definitely going on my favorites list.

Something Old, Something Very New: This is a chiptune remake of 'Something Old, Something New', in it's purest form. Yes, i've already made one of these, but that one was different. This one is actually named after the song.

Definitely Boss Music: This one is truly original here. I think the chord progressions i stole from another one of my songs i was working on, but this one actually got finished, so here it is. This one is probably my new favorite piece in the entire album if you will, and I really enjoyed making it. I don't really have much to say about this one other than that, so I guess that's it.


Shop Music: I want each shop to have a different theme that fits the aesthetic of the area it's in, but to revolve around one central theme for each shop. The shop themes I want to be relaxing, calming, and make you feel at peace, and safe. It's something I look forwards to making.

The D Button: What's the D button? Nobody knows. Not even I. But I know it's going to be a thing, and therefore I want to make music for it.

Title Theme: You can't just start the game without any fun music to play. I guess what this will sound like is going to depend on how I do a title screen.

Character Music: Oh no, does this spoil that there are going to be characters that are so special that they get their own themes? (note to self: don't leave this in there is too much here already)

Boss Music: You can never have enough Boss Music. Especially when you've got more boss fights planned than you're sure you can even implement.

Racing Minigame: (note to self: stop writing things that spoil fun parts of the game to people when you're not even sure how they're going to work.)

SFX: the most important part of a game is when you do cool stuff, and it makes a cool noise. Magic? make a cool whoosh effect that sounds magical. Attacking? Why not make a sword noise. What does a sword sound like? I don't know, but I'll make it work anyways.

wait how would I play SFX when I can't even get the music to work in the first place?