Sc2gears 7.5

Post date: Aug 17, 2011 2:37:53 PM

  • Improved Replay list table

    • There is a Column setup link above the table now where you can rearrange and hide the columns permanently to your liking. Sc2gears will remember your order and preference when you close the replay search or restart Sc2gears.

    • 2 new columns have been added to the replays table (the Results tab of the Replay search): Format and Winners.

    • You can still drag and reorder the columns with your mouse which will be applied only temporary.

  • Plugin API 2.2

    • Overview of the Plugin API 2.2 changes and additions:

      • A powerful IHttpPost utility to work with HTTP POST requests, even to easily upload / download files from standard HTTP servers. Usage examples can be found on the javadoc page of IHttpPost.

      • Base64 file encoding utility: GeneralUtilsApi.encodeFileBase64()

      • Added a new synchronous downloader utility method: GeneralUtilsApi.downloadUrl() (to co-exist with the asynchronous getDownloader() method).

      • Plugin-specific persistent file cache folder: PluginServices.getPluginFileCacheFolder()

      • Other minor additions.

    • Added a new setting on the "Replay auto-save" tab: 'Play "Replay saved" voice when replays are saved'

    • You can disable the "Replay saved" voice after games if you use the "The Sound of Victory" plugin and you don't want both sounds to be played.

    • "Failed to save replay" will still be played if it fails to save a replay.

    • Fixed a bug in the Build Orders Table plugin which caused incorrect table sorting when clicking on the Time column.

    • Other minor changes, improvements and bug fixes.