Sc2gears 3.60

Post date: Dec 22, 2010 7:22:7 PM

  • A new BO import feature!

    • Sc2gears supports importing Build orders, which will be opened in the Replay analyzer, and all the tools and features that you can use to analyzer replays are available to analyze build orders.

    • To import Build orders, click on the Import Build orders... menu item in the File menu. This will open a dialog where you can specify up to 8 build orders. You can either copy/paste Build orders into the displayed to text areas, or you can load build orders from files. Sc2gears will simulate a replay creating a player from each provided Build order. You can select a replay version to simulate (unit/building costs and build times may vary in different versions), and you can select a game speed (to be used to convert between times and frames). You can also group the Build orders (later players) into teams, so you can analyze multiple Build orders as a team (if you use the "Group by teams" feature in the Replay analyzer).

    • The format specification is available here: Build order format specification

  • Player alias and Map alias management

    • There is a new tab in the Misc settings dialog: Aliases. You can specify player aliases and map aliases in 2 text areas.

    • Each line is an alias group which contains a comma separated list of player or map aliases. The first alias in each line will be the name of the alias group. Map names will be replaced by the alias group name. Players and maps in the same alias group will be summarized in the Multi-replay analysis.

    • The Player alias management is especially useful for those who used (or will use) the name change feature of SC2 (you can specify your new and old names) or if you have multiple accounts, and you will see summarized statistics for your different names in the Multi-replay analysis.

    • The Map alias management is useful if you have replays saved by different localized clients. You can enumerate different names of the same maps, and they will appear as you wish everywhere. Also you will see summarized statistics for those maps in the Multi-replay analysis.

    • If you enter aliases for a map name, you will be able to search all of them by the alias group name.

    • A link to the Aliases settings has been added to the Multi-rep analysis.

  • Custom date and time formats

    • The default date and time formats are part of the language; each language can specify different date and time formats.

    • From now on everyone can define his/her own date and time formats. On the Internal tab of the Misc settings dialog there are 3 new settings:

    • Custom date format, Custom time format, Custom date and time format. You can define 3 different formats for date only, for time only and for date+time.

    • These formats will be used to display date/time information and when you rename replays.

    • Tool tips show help text, a symbol table and some examples.

  • New name template symbols:

    • /I the game type: this might come handy in organizing replays into sub-folders.

    • /S map name acronym: first letters of the map; for example: Lost Temple = LT, Steppes of War = SoW; comes handy if you like your replay names short.

    • Charts in the Replay analyzer are now zoomable with CTRL+wheel scroll. CTRL+wheel up will zoom in the chart (like CTRL+I), CTRL+wheel down will zoom out the chart (like CTRL+U).

  • A new replay operations menu item: Export actions

    • With this you can export the complete action lists of any number of replays at once. This can be good if you want to build other applications on top Sc2gears, and you want to analyze and process the actions in text format.

    • The exported action lists will be saved in separate UTF-8 encoded text files in the same folder and with the same name as the replay file (but with TXT extension). If a text file with that name already exists, a new unique name is generated.

    • The exported action list will be exactly what you would see if you'd open it in the Replay analyzer (this includes time-frame display and conversion).

    • Renaming replays now generates new unique names if a replay already exists with the name specified by the name template (instead of not renaming it). New names will be generated by appending "(2)", "(3)", "(4)"... to the end of the name until a free name is found.

    • Copying, moving, deleting, packing replays and Exporting actions now displays a Progress dialog to let you know what's going on.

    • This progress dialog is non-modal: you can do anything else meanwhile. For example you can export actions from replays and at the same time you can pack them or analyze them in the Replay analyzer.

    • If you want to exit, Sc2gears now checks and asks for confirmation if there are active background jobs (like copying, moving, deleting, packing replays or exporting actions).

    • Changing the zoom in the Replay analyzer now remembers the position (where the chart is scrolled).

    • Added Spanish translation by Francisco José Rodríguez Márquez. (incomplete)

    • The Activity chart in the Multi-replay analysis now displays 0 values with solid line and does not interpolate (unlike the APM development and Win ratio development charts) because zeroes here are really zeros: they mean 0 activity.

    • F1 key is now bound to show Start page (inside Sc2gears). CTRL+F1 is bound to visit the home page.

    • Added new tips.

    • Major update on the German language file (it was available through auto-update in 3.40).

    • Fixed a bug in the replay parser regarding to custom games.

    • Fixed a bug in the replay parser where in-game chat were parsed wrong in a rare case.

    • Other minor fixes and improvements.