

Most online social networks grow based on the initiative of early adopters who transfer their offline networks online and serve as “stars.” But it is also important to look at the evolution of social networks based on intentional activity within a network.   Neighbourhood action for pollinators is a grass roots organisation and what is done should be a matter for community groups and individuals who are alive to the issue and know what they can achieve.  There is a plethera of ideas and practical methods available on the Internet and top down instructions are not necessary. Also, it is too early to proscribe standard methods for comparisons of outcomes.   A nectar point network can grow through the use of social media to communicate ideas and actions nationally as well as locally. For example, a self-sustaining network is formed when a Nectar Point puts its ideas and results on line using its favourite social media site. The site is also on Twitter to identify its presence to others using a specific tag which identifies all nectar point Tweets.  Followers of Nectar Point Tweets therefore can easily find the reference URLs of other Nectar Points.   



The web site  has been created with the Google Site free on line software and is in itself an example of how a Nectar Point enthusiast can easily set up an local web interface as a customised version of this one.