Jakob Heinzle

Dr. Jakob Heinzle was a postdoc in the lab from 2007 to 2012 where, besides doing some excellent science projects, he also played a vital role in supporting the lab's infrastructure. He is currently working in the Translational Neuromodeling Unit at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the University of Zürich, Switzerland. Jakob Heinzle studied Physics at the ETH Zürich. He obtained his PhD in Physics (2006) with a Thesis in Computational Neuroscience conducted at the Institute of Neuroinfomatics (Zürich).

Papers in the lab

Visuomotor functional network topology predicts upcoming tasks.

Heinzle J, Wenzel MA, Haynes JD.

J Neurosci. 2012 Jul 18;32(29):9960-8.

Connectivity-based parcellation of the human orbitofrontal cortex.

Kahnt T, Chang LJ, Park SQ, Heinzle J, Haynes JD.

J Neurosci. 2012 May 2;32(18):6240-50.

Probing principles of large-scale object representation: Category preference and location encoding.

Cichy RM, Sterzer P, Heinzle J, Elliott LT, Ramirez F, Haynes JD.

Hum Brain Mapp. 2012 Feb 27.. [Epub ahead of print]

Information flow, dynamical systems theory and the human brain Comment on "Information flow dynamics in the brain" by M.I. Rabinovich et al.

Heinzle J, Allefeld C, Haynes JD.

Phys Life Rev. 2012 Mar;9(1):78-9.

Multivariate decoding of fMRI data

J Heinzle, S Anders, S Bode, C Bogler, Y Chen, RM Cichy, K Hackmack, T Kahnt, C Kalberlah, C Reverberi, CS Soon, A Tusche, M Weygandt, J-D Haynes

e-Neuroforum. 2012, 3 (1), 1-16

Decoding the formation of reward predictions across learning.

Kahnt T, Heinzle J, Park SQ, Haynes JD.

J Neurosci. 2011 Oct 12;31(41):14624-30.

Imagery and perception share cortical representations of content and location.

Cichy RM, Heinzle J, Haynes JD.

Cereb Cortex. 2012 Feb;22(2):372-80.

Topographically specific functional connectivity between visual field maps in the human brain.

Heinzle J, Kahnt T, Haynes JD.

Neuroimage. 2011 Jun 1;56(3):1426-36.

Multivariate information-theoretic measures reveal directed information structure and task relevant changes in fMRI connectivity.

Lizier JT*, Heinzle J*, Horstmann A, Haynes JD, Prokopenko M.

J Comput Neurosci. 2011 Feb;30(1):85-107.

*shared 1st authors.

Cortical surface-based searchlight decoding.

Chen Y, Namburi P, Elliott LT, Heinzle J, Soon CS, Chee MW, Haynes JD.

Neuroimage. 2011 May 15;56(2):582-92.

Flow of affective information between communicating brains.

Anders S, Heinzle J, Weiskopf N, Ethofer T, Haynes JD.

Neuroimage. 2011 Jan 1;54(1):439-46.

Decoding different roles for vmPFC and dlPFC in multi-attribute decision making.

Kahnt T, Heinzle J, Park SQ, Haynes JD.

Neuroimage. 2011 May 15;56(2):709-15.

The neural code of reward anticipation in human orbitofrontal cortex.

Kahnt T, Heinzle J, Park SQ, Haynes JD.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 30;107(13):6010-5.

Projects in the lab

Topographically specific functional connectivity between visual field maps in the human brain.

Published in Neuroimage. 2011 Jun 1;56(3):1426-36.

Multivariate information-theoretic measures reveal directed information structure and task relevant changes in fMRI connectivity.

Published in J Comput Neurosci. 2011 Feb;30(1):85-107.

Predicting visuo-motor task conditions from functional topology of a visuo-motor network during task preparation

Heinzle J, Wenzel M, Haynes JD.

Published in J Neurosci. 2012 Jul 18;32(29):9960-8.