Fatma Imamoglu

Fatma Imamoglu was a PhD student in the lab until 2013. Now she is working at UC Berkeley in Jack Gallant's group.

Fatma received her M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Technical University Munich (TUM) and did her Master Thesis on 'Visual Saliency and Biological Inspired Text Detection' at California Institute of Technology (CalTech) under the joint supervision of Christof Koch (CalTech) and Michael Beetz (TUM). In the lab, she was working on conscious and unconscious visual processing in the human brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). For her first project, she generated a large database of two-tone "Mooney" images of objects to investigate functional connectivity in human visual awareness.


Investigating functional connectivity in visual awareness using "Mooney" images

Imamoglu F, Kahnt T, Koch C, Haynes JD

Visual masking of orientation stimuli

Imamoglu F, Heinzle J, Imfeld A, Haynes JD