10 Things I Want To Do Before I'm 50

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Turned 40 & These Have To Be Done by 50

I turned 40 in 2017. A lot has been done in those 40 years on earth. However, there is still a lot on my wish list. So time to make a bucket list of things I want to have done before I am 50. Here's my top 10. The order doesn't matter.

Safari In Africa

Africa is a continent that I would like to see, but it has not happened yet. Namibia and Rwanda are high on my wish list. Not the real safari countries. So a safari country must also be included. The desert in Namibia appeals to me. And Rwanda's history of how people could be so cruel to each other, Hotel Rwanda.

Gross National Happiness

I have to experience a country that puts the happiness of its people before money. Bhutan with the Gross National Happiness instead of the Gross National Income. Would the mentality in Bhutan be fundamentally different from ours because happiness takes precedence over money?


The travel guides about Chile have already been read and I have already mapped out a possible route. Only I still haven't left for Chile. So it ends up on my bucket list.

Living Near The Sea

Every time I'm near the sea, I think. Yes, I have to live closer to the sea to be able to take beach walks more often. So my mission is to find a home in a city close to the sea at home or abroad. Who knows, it might be The Hague, Zandvoort, the Spanish coast or Chile. I changed my mind about living by the sea by visiting Hoorn, Zandvoort, Scheveningen, the Spanish coast and hiking the Camino Portuguese, coastal route. They are all to busy for me, actually. So, I will use the ns to get there.

Gear Up My Spanish In Level

It is a matter of starting and making time for it. I've already found out through which organizations I can raise my level of Spanish, but hey, really do it! Still, I hope it will go up a level. My Spanish has improved by Duolingo, Spanish courses and travels to Spain and other Spanish speaking countries and some reading.

French Conversation

Now that I also code French questions in a questionnaire, I intend to take French conversation lessons. Reading and understanding is possible, but speaking is not. So conversation lessons for me.

Publish A Book

Yes, I know everyone writes a book these days. But still I have different ideas for a book. Who knows, I might even see my book in the bookstore if I ever dare to take the last step. I researched this and don't want to do this anymore!!

Release Online Course

This bucket list item is the furthest in development. The material is there, and a possible platform is chosen. Now convert it to an online course and determine the price. Then it can be put online. Who knows at the end of 2018? It happened actually earlier in the first half of 2018 and more courses followed. I released 3 online courses till now and more on the way!

Working Internationally

I occasionally give workshops on Curaçao and have carried out an assignment in Germany. However, I don't call that international yet. I would like to do some international assignments. I also built a WordPress website for a Spanish artist and worked on a WordPress site for someone living parttime in Portugal. Actually that is enough and with COVID I think online eCourses that people could follow in their own pace is a better idea.

Taking Little Trips

In 2018 I started making some trips in The Netherlands and I like that. More small trips in The Netherlands and neighboring countries are also on the bucket list. Actually I visited and hiked a lot in The Netherlands, but didn't see everything yet. I am doing lots of touristic things in The Netherlands and also visited the Wadden eilanden (Only Texel left to visit) and hiked the Pieterpad.

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