I Walk Barefoot From Scheveningen To Zandvoort

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Walk Barefoot Or In My Walking Shoes On The Beach

After my horror experience with running on the beach (blog running on sand never, never again), it was time to get acquainted with a brisk walk on the beach. One thing was certain, I walked close to the high tide line, because that is the easiest way. Furthermore, I hadn't thought about it until a friend asked me a day before if I would walk barefoot or in my walking shoes? Uhm, such distances on bare feet can I do that passes through me?

Yes, In Australia I Had Also Wandered On The Beach Barefoot For Hours So Why Not?

The time has come! I handed in my luggage and received a route description. Not really necessary, because it is always straight forward on the beach, but handy for the stops. On the first day there are two stops where I got a drink once and an ice cream once. On day two there was one stop along the way where I got a drink. I also got a packed lunch which could be eaten on the beach with the beautiful weather that day.

The Rythm Of The Beach

By walking in the surf I do not suffer from sinking into the sand and I don't disturb bathers (badgasten). Some parts of the beach are wonderfully deserted. There the seagulls have taken possession of the beach. At every town there is a beach sequence:

Always in that order. 

Beach Walk

Sometimes those different beach visitors melt together and that goes wonderfully well. On the second day I leave early, the beach is still deserted, wonderful. And it reminds me of Australia where the heat drove me out of bed early to cool off on the beach.

What I Love About Walking And The Sea

In Byron Bay I took long morning walks on the beach every day and then settled down in the shade to have breakfast and take a nap. No time to nap now. My head is completely empty, and the ideas are already bubbling up. That's what I love about walking and the sea. It calms me and inspires me.

I Really Need To Move Closer To The Beach. Who Knows My Next City?

Walking barefoot was a joy! I walked in the surf, which cooled my feet wonderfully. Only the second day it was just getting low tide, so I sank deep into the mud. I couldn't call it sand; it was just like  'Wadlopen', I guess. Still on my to do list 'Wadlopen'. I walked from Scheveningen to Zandvoort in 2018 on the beach. Later in 2020 I walked again from Scheveningen to Zandvoort but then through the dunes. And in 2019 I walked from Wijk aan Zee to Petten. All beautiful routes and the peripheral issues (randzaken) around the hikes were well organized by Stours.

At Least That's How I Imagine It, It's Still On My To Do List Wadlopen

How did I get this idea? After the 4Daagse van Nijmegen, I saw the 6 Days Beach hike as a fun challenge, but camping, back to basics in the winter didn't seem like anything for me (Read the blog Camping During The Holidays, A Dutch Tradition That I Will Skip Next Time)! The organization Stours has found the solution for this, various multi-day beach hikes with overnight stays in a hotel including dinner, before COVID it was mostly buffet. I hiked with them 3 times. 

I Still Don't Live By The Sea, Because ...

I changed my mind about moving next to the sea, because the beach areas are to busy in tourist season and when there are events.  And I will always have NS to bring me to the beach.