Ho! Ho! Holmes!

A Doyle's Rotary Coffin project for December 2020

A short Christmas Holmes story writing event.

We invited anyone to write a short Holmesian Christmas story and send it to DoylesRotaryCoffin@outlook.com by Christmas-Eve-Eve: December 23rd 2020.

We recommended no more than 2500 words, but weren't be strict about it.

Then on Christmas Eve we read the festive Holmes stories and had a vote in which the only option is "That was Christmassy fun" and agreed we are all winners.

Watson and the Half-pay Major by Bull Pup Calder of the JHWS

Sherlock and Millie’s American Cat Christmas by NumberOneHolmesAndWatsonFan1895

'Tis The Season by Margie Deck

Parade Float on the River Styx by John Kendrick Bangsyomama

A Winwood Read Christmas by Watson J. Holmes

Satan’s Little Helper by Robert Perret

Season of Reason by Shai Porter

I'm Watson in the Air by Paul Bunday

A Prince of Festivus by by Chumley Roylott

The Christmas Pod by Talon King

The Man with the Golden Sled by Kendall Pagan

A Festivus on Baker Street by Robert Perret

A Question of Father Christmas by Madeline Quiñones

The Adventure of the Krampus Foot by John H. Watson, M.D.

A New Leaf by Claire Daines

Santa Holmes Saves Christmas by Steve Wood

Frankenstein of Snow by James Phillimore

Magnussen’s Manger Scene by the Season Five Writer’s Restroom

Tom Galiff’s Story by Something Hunt

The Adventure of the Festive Nog by John H. Watson, M.D.

Sherlock Babies Christmas! by Pasadena Pycroft

The Adventure of the Weary Author by Mazarin Coney

It Only Starts Horribly by a Real Dickens of a Sherlockian

Yuletide Reigate Squares #1 by The Harpooners of the Sea Unicorn, the Sherlock Holmes Society of St Charles, MO

Yuletide Reigate Squares #2 by The Harpooners of the Sea Unicorn, the Sherlock Holmes Society of St Charles, MO

Once Isn't Enough by Morton L Duffy

The Holly and the Ivy by John Steed III

Zomgoose! by Borthall Gollolloll

221B: A Pandemic Christmas Carol by Ann Caddell

Child in the Chimney by Helen Watson

The Front Steps Christmas Show by Trivia Johnny Watson

Sherlock and Watson Disappear by Phil Attwell

The Office Party by Brad Keefauver
