
This tab controls the lobby settings.

Hide advertisement - blocks ads in the lobby.

Do not hide the lobby after table opening - blocks minimizing of the lobby when you open a new table.

Sizable lobby - allows the possibility of changing the size of the lobby with the mouse.

Lobby size & position - allows you to specify the position in which the lobby will move after opening, and set its size. Position and dimensions can be set manually or by using of the Get current button - move the lobby to a convenient place and click this button, the position and size of the lobby will be automatically copied to the corresponding fields.

Lobby cropping - allows you to trim the lobby from either side (or from all sides simultaneously). Activate Active and change the Left / Top / Width / Height parameters to see the result. Lobby without a title can be moved by two mouse buttons, holding them in any of its points.

Auto open Snap tables - here you can configure auto opening of the SNAP tables. After clicking Active 888Caption will automatically open SNAP tables, while number of tables is lower than Number of tables setting. For the correct operation of this option, you must first open the SNAP tab in the lobby and select the desired stake in the list.

You can use this feature together with Options / Sit out next bb if stack more than X bb + Close table.

Global hotkeys

Here you can configure global hotkeys to click different buttons in the main lobby.

Add Snap table - opens new SNAP table. In order for the hotkey to work, the SNAP tab must be active in the lobby and the stake you need is selected in the list.

Register now - clicks the same button in the lobby (or the Register button). Depending on which tab is currently active in the lobby, this hotkey can be used for registration in SnG, MTT or BLAST.

Waiting list - clicks the same button in the lobby. With this hotkey, you can queue in the waiting list. Also there is also Hotkeys / Join waiting list hotkey, but this hotkey works on a table (it clicks Join waiting list button there).

Hide/show lobby hotkey hides the lobby behind the edge of the screen - you can use it instead of minimizing the lobby. This should be convenient when using the SnG registrator.