Ride Share Cost Comparison

Gateway Technical College's SC Johnson iMET Center is located just north from the Foxconn Mt. Pleasant Campus. A cost estimate for a one-way Uber ride from the iMET center to various Gateway Campuses in SE Wisconsin and General Mitchell Airport was conducted on January 31, 2019.

The data for each estimate is provided below. The estimates were obtained from: https://www.uber.com/fare-estimate/

The fare estimates demonstrate a significant cost to utilize ride share options for these distances between Mt. Pleasant campus and geographical locations throughout SE Wisconsin. However, there is an economical cost to operating a personal vehicle also.

https://www.rideordrive.org/calculator is a website where a person can compare the economic cost of owning/operating a car versus the economic cost of ride share fares. The site shows that while there is an economic cost for ride sharing, its not as far off from the economic impact of driving a car.

iMET Center to Racine Campus

iMET Center to Kenosha Campus

iMET Center to Burlington Campus

iMET Center to Elkhorn Campus

iMET Center to General Mitchel Airport