
Jarvis Brook is Just Brilliant!

Here at Jarvis Brook we want to ensure we have enabled and empowered our learners and readied them for the next stages of their education - secondary school, college, university - and for life.  Our curriculum is rich and replete with an extensive range of experiences for our students to learn through. We want to equip our students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in life - and want academic success for them too! We want our learners to know that regardless of outcomes, they have the resilience to approach any challenge - academic or otherwise - and always do their very best.

 2023 academic outcomes at Jarvis Brook show very positive outcomes, especially EYFS, Phonics, and Reading outcomes across KS1 and Ks2, well ahead of National and LA scores. 2023 outcomes for learners across the school at the expected standard EXS were mostly above National results; mostly all Greater Depth/Higher Standard GDS outcomes were also above National.


All schools were told by the Department of Education to not report SATs outcomes in 2020-2022.


2019 academic outcomes showed Jarvis Brook outcomes to be generally above or equivalent to National scores.


2018 Progress outcomes across KS1-KS2 were between + 4.1 and +6.3 - putting the school in the top 3% of schools nationally. Writing scores of +6.3 (LA moderated) saw the school perform in the top 1% (LA moderated). In 2018, nearly a third (30%+) of our Year 6 students scored at the very highest levels in Writing and in Maths - which only 10% of children nationally are expected to achieve.

In 2018, because of these results, Jarvis Brook School received congratulations from the Rt Hon Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education, and from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards, praising Jarvis Brook for being in the top 3% of schools in England for progress measures in 2018.


In 2017 - results at Jarvis Brook - across the majority of measures schools are held accountable for - EYFS results, Year 1 Phonics results, Year 2 Key Stage 1 Reading, Writing and Maths results, and Year 6 Key Stage 2 Reading, Writing, Grammar and Maths results, were the highest locally. These academic results outperformed the majority of East Sussex schools, including both East Sussex Teaching schools, as well as the majority of schools nationally. Outcomes for learners were all above National in 2017 - between +6% and +25% with GDS all above, bar KS2 SpaG, with Combined and Disadvantaged Combined all above National (+5% and +7% respectively).

KS1 KS2 RESULTS 2023.pdf

Results 2018-2019

                   Results 2017-2018

Please click on the link to view the school performance tables:

Results 2016-2017

Please click on the letters below to read in full our messages of congratulations from Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards, for our high standard of achievement in the Phonics Screening check for 2016 and 2017.


Please click on the link to view the KS2 SATs Results for our school:

Please click on the link to view the school performance tables: