
Our Curriculum

Jarvis Brook School prides itself on the depth and range of its curriculum. At Jarvis Brook, we endeavour to create clever, capable, creative, confident and considerate children, through offering them a carefully considered, clearly sequenced comprehensive and creative curriculum.

Children are challenged from their earliest years to study complex subjects such as dinosaurs, what is in the sea, the sky, or under the ground and our older students are offered thought-provoking teaching on subjects such as equalities issues and climate change and deforestation, covering concepts such as society, democracy, monarchy, and revolution and slavery through study of the Tudors, The Slave Trade, WWII, Mayans, etc. Our children are great learners and really reflective thinkers.

We ensure our children receive a rich learning experience through topic-based visits and trips, musical and drama opportunities, engagement in a wide range of sports, real-life experiences - like First Aid and Bush Craft and social, moral, spiritual and cultural experiences to make them be the very best people they can be.

All children with additional needs access the same curriculum as their peers. Learning may be adapted or adjusted to facilitate this equality of access.

The school utilises the National Curriculum, the Oak National Academy and other teaching materials to contribute to its curriculum, as well as many high quality bespoke in-house materials.

The school is currently in the process of re-designing its website and once this is complete full details of the school’s rich, relevant and wide-ranging whole school curriculum will be published re-published in greater detail.

Families are personally provided with 6 weekly comprehensive overviews of what will be taught in each class, with supporting self-selecting homework, to encourage families to work and research together and support learning at home. Trips and visits and visitors enhance learning further.

Should parents wish to find out anything further about the curriculum, they may contact their child’s teacher or the school office.

Here are some of the areas we cover please click to find out more:

Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage.pdf
PE Curriculum.pdf
Relationship Education.pdf
Music at Jarvis Brook School.pdf
Religious Education.pdf

Curriculum Map

British Values