Joshua Bajinshkee


Once upon a time there was a family that lived in a house. You know that might sound usual but there was something really special about their house. The story begins when one day Jiyan and Jind were playing in the lego room upstairs.

The Closed Closet

They were building legos when one of the lego pieces rolled under the door into a closet. Jind tried to open the closet. It wouldn’t open, so Jiyan thought there was someone in the closet pushing on the door so it wouldn’t open. Jind said, “Open up please, one of our legos rolled into the closet and we need to get it out.”

No Response

There was no response. So Jind called Aradh upstairs. Aradh said, “Open Up.” Still, no response. They all tried opening the door. They pulled, and pulled, and pulled! None of them got the door to open. Jiyan tried talking to the person inside. “Hi! Could you do us a favor, could you please open the door?” No response came. “Okay! We’ll do it your way then. Could you just give the legos back to us? Just roll them from under the door.” Jiyan explained. Still no response came from the closet.

Invisible Person?

So Aradh rushed downstairs and asked Dada if he could open the door. Dada came upstairs and tried pulling on the door. He couldn’t do it. So he got a screwdriver or something and he opened the door. Surprisingly, nobody was in there. Well, that’s what they saw. “Maybe the person is invisible!” Jiyan said. “I think his name is ‘Jousuha Bajinshkee’.” Aradh said.

Lost Water Bottle

The next day Jiyan was playing soccer. After the game, he was thirsty. He looked around for his water bottle. He couldn’t find it anywhere. He looked, he asked Jind, and they looked together too, but they couldn’t find the water bottle. It was lost. “Maybe Jousuha Bajinshkee hid it somewhere!” Jind said, looking under the table. Jiyan looked some more and finally said, “Okay, maybe, but I’m really thirsty right now, so can we just find my water bottle?” “Here, I’ll just give you water from a cup. We’ll find your bottle later. For now, all that matters is that you get water.” Jind said.

The Mystery Swap

The next day Jiyan was thirsty again, obviously, he wanted water from his bottle. “Where is it?” Jiyan asked. Jind looked and looked. She looked under the bed and behind the sofa. Jind couldn’t find it. “I can’t find it!” She said as she looks under the table one last time. “Oh! I found it! Wait, didn’t I check under the table yesterday? Now we have a new mystery!” Jind exclaimed. “Jiyan took a couple sips of water and then looked up and said, “Jousuha Bajinshkee must have done it. He swapped it.”

Jousuha Has To Go

After dinner that day, Jiyan was wandering around when he saw Jind drawing something on a big piece of paper. She had written steps and had drawn a sketch of our house and a net (The picture on the cover is what she drew.) “What are you doing?” Jiyan asked. “I’m drawing a picture of our house and writing a plan.” Jind said as she put her pencil down. “So, what do you think of it?” She asks looking up at Jiyan. “Nice, but what is the plan for? And when will we do it?” Jiyan asks. “We? I thought I could do it… Never mind. We can do it together. Anyways, I made a plan on how we can catch Jousuha. He has to go. He makes problems in our house. According to some research I did, invisible people don’t sleep. So we can’t catch him asleep. But we will do it at night. When he isn’t expecting anything because he thinks we’re asleep.” Jind explains.


That night, Jind and Jiyan went to Jind’s room and waited. Then they made sure that everyone was asleep (Not them or Jousuha.).

They used a secret code. This is the alphabet. Can you figure out how?


Doesn’t it look short? Well Jind and Jiyan know exactly why. Let’s just get back to the interesting story. “Shhhh! I think he’s coming.” Jind said. “Let’s go to the table, and he might be there. We can hear footsteps and then throw the net at him.” Jiyan said.

Back To Normal… For Now...

That is what happened. Life was back to normal in their house, at least for now. Later on, maybe Jousuha has a sister coming in. That would be for another day. For now, everything is normal. I am 99% sure about that. Hey? Why won’t the door open? Uh, oh. Okay, I’ll figure this mystery out another day.

The End

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