The Lost Ball

The Lost Ball Book 1.

Once upon a time there was a lady who had a baby.The baby's name was Dabie.One day Dabie saw a park.She asked if she could go. Her parents said yes.So they went.Dabie saw a slide and she wanted to play on it. She climbed up the slide. She was only 3 years old so she said,”The slide is too high for me.” Her mom agreed and they both were bored so dad said,”I have a ball so we can play catch.” They all play catch and nobody is bored.Then soon they get the ball stuck inside a bush.They get it out with a small stick and Ana comes over and she says,” Do you want to play on the swings with me? You don't need a ball. “ Dabie saw the swings and she liked the ball. So she held the ball with her.

Mom pushed Dabie on the swing and Dabie by mistake dropped the ball. It rolled down the hill.

WA HA,WA HA!!!!!

Cried Dabie. “ I think you’ve had enough. Let's all go home.” Said dad. They all went home and ate a small snack. Dabie says “ I want my ball back!!!!!!!!!!! “ I think it is the perfect time for a nap. “ says mom as they go to the bedroom where everybody sleeps. Mom puts Dabie into the crib. But Dabie is not sleepy at all. So mom reads a bedtime story. “ and so the beautiful woman and the Hawk were very happy. The End” said mom. Dabie is fast asleep.

Mom is on a bike to get the ball and dad is staying home with Dabie.Mom is now at the

park. She goes down the hill and sees the ball on the road.A car comes and the ball is under the car. Mom has a fishing pole. She grabs the ball and carried it home. Now the ball is safe and saved. Everyone lives happily ever after.

The End