Here are some frequently asked questions that you might also have. Click on a question and the answer will show up. If you do not see an answer here, then be sure to fill out the feedback form on Home. Enjoy!

Where can I watch videos?

By pressing the videos page, you can watch any of my videos. If you can't find the videos page, simply press the search button, and search up Videos.

I can't find a certain book. How can I?

If you can't find a book, press the search button in the upper right corner. Search up the title of the book, and you might find it. If you still don't, search up 'Other'. Click on the page 'Other' and then you will see other books that don't get their own page.

How do I report questions, bugs, concerns, etc.?

The feedback form on Home is the place. As soon as you click on Home, scroll down a bit. You will see a feedback form. Your name is optional, but reccomended. It is reccomended because then when I answer it, you can see who asked it.

I don't know how to use this website. How do I get to a certain page?

Don't worry. Look on the upper left corner. You should see three lines. Click on them. Click the page that you want to go to. Subpages will show up. Just click on a page, and it will take you there! If you can't find the three lines, or maybe just mixed up right and left, there is another way to solve your problem. Click on the search button!

How do I use the search button?

Do you see a search button in the upper right corner? If yes, click on it. Search up anything you are loooking for. You can find books, pages, and subpges via search. If nothing is working, simply go to Home and report a bug.

Why is this website named ninnibooks.com?

The "ninni" part comes from what my mom always called me at home. Jind became Nin, and nin became ninni, which is where that part comes from. The "books" part is pretty obvious. There are books, if course!