Other media

Dr. Andreas Gombert


  1. TV Interview On "Fermentation" With Atila Iamarino (Tv Cultura, Programa Hiperconectado)

  2. Talk On "Yeast, bioenergy and science outreach" (Programa De Doutorado Em Bioenergia Usp, Unesp & Unicamp)

  3. Essay On 'The climate emergency' (Jornal Da Unicamp)

  4. Podcast Interview on the Book "Entangled Life" by Merlin Sheldrake (Põe Na Estante)

  5. The Wonderful World of Microbes 02. The Wonderful World of Microbes brings Dr. Andreas Gombert to help us unravel these strange and important beings. This episode was produced in partnership with UNICAMP

  6. O Maravilhoso Mundo dos Micróbios (piloto)



  1. Book Translation, "The rise of yeast" By Nicholas Money (Editora Da Unicamp). A Ascensao Da Levedura, Como Um Simples Fungo Moldou Nossa Civilização

  2. Live Com Nik Money (Autor) E Andreas Gombert (Tradutor)

  3. Texto sobre olivro no blog Da Editora Da Unicamp

  4. Texto sobre o livro no canal Agência Fapesp

  5. International Microorganism Day (Federation Of European Microbiological Societies)

  6. Book Chapter 'On Industrial Biotechnology and Human Rights'



  1. Youtube Channel 'On Bioprocess Engineering'

  2. Lecture On Bioprocesses: Yields and Productivities

  3. Book Chapter On "Introduction to Metabolic Engineering" (Editora Edgard Blücher)



Interview On "Industrial Biotechnology and Human Rights" (Observatório Dos Direitos Humanos Da Unicamp)



Interview With Fapesp at The BBEST Conference on yeast research.



Book Section On "Spreadsheet to calculate the maximum specific growth rate" (Editora Edgard Blücher)


Other Materials

  1. Pesquisa aumenta em 11% rendimento do etanol

  2. Unicamp e TU Delft, da Holanda, vão intensificar colaborações

  3. Meio Século de Engenharia Bioquímica
