1. Andrietta MGS, Steckelberg C, Kitaka PR, Goldbeck R, Andrietta SR. Yeast from ethanol production – source of SCP. World Journal of Research and Review

  2. Oscar D, Basso TO, Rocha I, Ferreira, EF, Gombert, AK. Quantitative physiology and elemental composition of Kluyveromyces lactis CBS 2359 during growth on glucose at different specific growth rates. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

  3. Marques WL, Mans R, Marella ER, Cordeiro RL, van den Broek M, Daran JG, Pronk JT, Gombert AK, van Maris AJ. Elimination of sucrose transport and hydrolysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a platform strain for engineering sucrose metabolism. FEMS Yeast Research

  4. Marques WL, Mans R, Henderson, RK, Marella ER, ter Horst J, de Hulster E, Poolman B, Daran JM, Pronk JT, Gombert AK. Combined engineering of disaccharide transport and phosphorolysis for enhanced ATP yield from sucrose fermentation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Metabolic Engineering

  5. Vijayendran R, Basso TP, da Silva JB, Basso LC, Gombert AK. A simple scaled down system to mimic the industrial production of first generation fuel ethanol in Brazil. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek