32 (2017)

The Year's Work in Medievalism 32 (2017)

Edited by Richard Utz


Nancy Ciccone

Now and Then: Ishiguro’s Medievalism in The Buried Giant pdf

Karl Fugelso

The Medieval(ism) in British Library MS Yates Thompson 36 pdf

Paul Hardwick

Arthurising the Wife of Bath: Two Chaucer Adaptations pdf

Teresa P. Rupp

From Ivanhoe to Ironclad: Excavating Layers of Tradition in a Medieval Film pdf

James L. Smith

Disturbing the Ant-Hill: Misanthropy and Cosmic Indifference in Clark Ashton Smith’s Medieval Averoigne pdf

Usha Vishnuvajjala

The Future We—and the Middle Ages—Want pdf

FORUM: Including Russia

Richard Utz

(Neo)Medievalism is a Global Phenomenon: Including Russia pdf

Dina Khapaeva

Neomedievalism as a Future Society: The Case of Russia pdf

Robert Romanchuk

On the Letters Reaches Its Destination: Constantine Kostenechki’s Russian Reception and the Historiography of the “Second South Slavic Influence” pdf

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