SOI Workshop July 8, 2012

Attached files are hand-outs and presentation material for the Systems of Innovation (SOI) Workshop held July 8, 2012, at IS2012 in Rome.

Workshop Abstract:

This workshop includes (1) an in-depth walk-through of the General Systems of Innovation (SOI) Pattern and (2) a workshop to explore attendees’ insights about the pathologies found in innovation processes. The SOI Pattern is a model created within the related INCOSE System Science Working Group (SSWG) project. The SOI model covers both innovation performed by Nature (e.g., biological systems) and Human-Performed Innovation, combined in a general pattern abstraction that yields new insights about both.

Innovation is critical to viability in changing environments. In living ecosystems, innovation adapts to changes by predators, prey, and the rest of the environment. For engineered systems, innovation exploits market interests in new capabilities, develops competitive advantage, and adapts to changes in technologies, infrastructure, regulations, and environment.

In all these domains, the process of innovation may itself be described as a system—the System of Innovation, and studied by natural scientists, engineers, and technologists. The relative effectiveness of different systems of innovation impacts the competitive viability of the resulting series of innovated systems.

The modeling of pathologies improves understanding of healthy systems and ability to prevent or correct pathologies. “System pathologists” are found in medicine, field support and maintenance organizations, agriculture, the natural sciences, and other domains. The SOI Pattern includes a model of health and pathology in Systems of Innovation. Participants in this workshop can contribute to the pathologies model, as well as gain new insights about pathology in Systems of Innovation.