Notes of Appreciation

From Scott Bragunier, organizer of the "Retreat from Gettysburg" reenactment, Williamsport, MD, July 13 - 15, 2012.

THE PLEASURE WAS ALL MINE! You guys were a class act and truly showed that you folks are professionals of your hobby.

I had a great weekend but the highlight for me was the ball in the barn.

From Bob Dollenger, after the dance at the Luray Caverns reenactment, August 17 - 19, 2012.

Just wanted to thank you once again for putting on such a wonderful dance! The band that you work with is second to none, and you did an awesome job doing the calling. This is my third year doing reenactments, and I must say that it truly was a treat being in Luray with everybody.

From Christy Hottinger, organizer of the Virginia Home Educators Christmas Social , Dec. 2. 2012

We absolutely loved having you all. You were all such a tremendous blessing. Thanks again.

From Oriana Good, organizer of a "barn dance" for for the Cornerstone Church by the Lake, February 22, 2013.

Thank you so much for your generous policy and desire to support our fundraising efforts. Your fee is very doable.

It is great to be able to offer this kind of opportunity to people so that we can all have a great time of fun and fellowship.

From Linda Ritter, co-organizer of the Turner Ashby 162 Chapter of the UDC's Lee-Jackson-Maury Celebration, January 26, 2013.

We want to thank you so much for coming and sharing your time and wonderful talent with our UDC.

You share your knowledge of beauty and grace in dance form that I wish we had today.

I am so happy that your dance group is growing and sharing your knowledge with many others. You truly are keeping our history alive.

From Bob Dolleger, organizer of the living history at Steppingstone Farm Museum in MD, June 15, 2013.

On behalf of the Lt. Col. Robert H. Archer Camp #2013 Sons of Confederate Veterans and myself, I would like to thank you and your wife for a job well done. I can honestly say that I have never had so much fun at a dance like I had at this one.

From Linda Lee Carey, VA Assoc. for Family & Community Education, Inc., after a dance demonstration we did for their annual meeting, September, 2013.

You have a very talented group of people and put on a great show. Our members were very impressed with the difficulty of the dances. We also loved the period dresses and outfits.

From Stacey Nadeau, Supervisor of Historical Interpretation at New Market Battlefield and avid dancer, November, 2013.

My most amazing moment was during the Tempest. For a brief moment, spinning in the candlelight with the faces of the audience whirling in and out of view, it truly felt like I had stepped back in time MAGICAL!!! Thanks for making these moments possible.

From Carolyn Moomaw Chilton, one of the organizers of the Shine Mont/Orkney Springs Celebration, July 30, 2022.

Thank you so much for your dancing this past weekend as we celebrated Orkney Springs. It was WONDERFUL! For the rest of the weekend, I heard rave reviews about it! Thank you again for adding so much to our event.