
This tab contains options for working with text notes and color labels.

Note Editor

This section is intended for setting up the text note editor.

StarsCaption provides several handy tools for working with PokerStars text notes. They can be displayed in the HUD popup or directly in the HUD, and for editing you can use StarsCaption custom Note editor (it works only for Aurora tables). 

Use note editor - this option enables the Note editor. When this option is enabled, each time you activate the Notes tab in the poker client, StarsCaption will activate its own editor, into which the note text from the poker client will be loaded, and after editing it will be uploaded back.

Font... - Note editor font setting.

Font color... - setting the color of the Note editor font.

Background color... - setting the background color of the Note editor.

Close by table click - if this option is enabled, the Note editor can be closed by clicking anywhere on a table. If it is turned off, then it can be closed by clicking on the button with a cross in the upper right corner (like any other window), or by pressing the Esc key.

Position - here you can set the position for the Note editor window. There are two options - Relative and Absolute.

With Absolute, these will be global coordinates somewhere on the desktop, and all Note editors that are opened will be stacked there (if several editors are opened from different tables).

If the Fix position option is enabled, then the Note editor will return to this slot when trying to move it from there, and will also return its size when trying to change it.

Using the Get current button, you can set the coordinates of this slot - open one Note editor and click this button to save the coordinates and size.

If you select Relative, the Note editor will open in one of predefined positions within the table. By default, this is the lower left corner of the table, but you can also set any other corner, the position in the middle of any of the sides of the table, as well as its center. The size of the editor is preserved - you can change the size of any Note editor, and all subsequent ones will open with the same size.

If the Fix position option is enabled, then the Note editor will return to this position when you try to move it, and it will also move when you move the table.

The mechanics of working with the Note editor can be seen in the video below (this is a video on the old version of the program, where the Note editor section is on a different tab and it has fewer options).

In addition, the video shows the mechanisms for displaying notes directly in the HUD.

Custom player note menu

This option allows you to set color labels in the poker client in an alternative way.

In the poker client, a built-in player note menu has several drawbacks - in particular, a menu is always located under the HUDs. StarsCaption has own custom player note menu, which avoids this and other disadvantages.

To enable a custom menu, do the following:

4. To assign a color label, use the left click on the player's nickname or avatar.

When clicked, the following menu will appear:

To write a text note, instead of a single left click, use a double click on the player's nickname or avatar.

The font, size, color and background color can be customized using the appropriate options - Font, Background color, Background color (highlighted item), Font color, Font color (highlighted item)

If you use the auto-activation of tables in the poker client (Gameplay / Multi-Tabling / Popup table whenever action is required), then when the next table is activated, the menu may disappear if you have opened it, but have not yet managed to select a label. To avoid this, turn off auto-activation in the poker client and use the Options / Popup table whenever action is required option in StarsCaption instead. This option will pause auto-activation while the custom note menu is open.

Also, using the Rows per column option, you can make a menu of several columns - if there are a lot of labels in your list and it is inconvenient to select them from one long list.

Unlike the original menu for setting notes, the custom menu does not have the last item for editing the list of labels, so if you need to edit the list, close StarsCaption or disable the custom note menu option.

Show Aurora tooltips in HUD popup - this option is used to display the content of tooltips in a separate window (on top of all HUDs).

Assigning a color label by left click

To set a color label in the poker client without the Left-click player to assign label option, the Show Aurora tooltips in HUD popup / Open custom player note menu by left click while popup is open option was added to StarsCaption. This option uses a similar mechanism for setting a label, but it has some limitations:

The tooltip does not appear immediately, but a split second after hovering the mouse over a player. However, it will not be displayed if the table is not in focus, so either you must first click on a table, or it must be activated by one of the auto-activation options, or the Options / Table under mouse bring to foreground option must be enabled.