
Working with text notes

StarsCaption provides several handy tools for working with PokerStars text notes. They can be displayed in HUD popup or directly in HUD, and for editing you can use StarsCaption custom Note editor (it works only for Aurora tables).

The main mechanics of working with notes are shown in this video (this is a video on the old version of StarsCaption, there the Note editor section is on the Options tab and it has fewer options, now it is on the Notes tab).:

For the Note editor to work correctly, the PokerStars client must be configured to run as admin as described here.

If you use the auto-activation of tables in the poker client (Gameplay / Multi-Tabling / Popup table whenever action is required), then when the next table is activated, keyboard focus may go to this table and you will have to return it manually to continue write a note. To avoid this, turn off auto-activation in the poker client and use the Options / Popup table whenever action is required option in StarsCaption instead, as well as the Disable if Note editor is open suboption. This option will pause auto-activation while the Note editor is open.

Setting color labels

In the poker client, a built-in player note menu has several drawbacks - in particular, a menu is always located under the HUDs. StarsCaption has own custom player note menu, which avoids this and other disadvantages.

To enable a custom menu, do the following:

  1. Enable the option Notes / Custom player note menu / Active (this option was in Layout editor / Move elements in old StarsCaption versions)

  2. Both StarsCaption and the poker client must be configured to run from the admin, as described here.

  3. This option must be enabled in the poker client settings:

4. To assign a color label, use the left click on the player's nickname or avatar.

When clicked, the following menu will appear:

To write a text note, instead of a single left click, use a double click on the player's nickname or avatar. In addition, it is recommended to enable and configure the Note editor, as described in the section Working with text notes above.

The font, size, color and background color can be customized using the appropriate options in the Notes / Custom player note menu (Layout editor / Move elements / Custom player note menu in old StarsCaption versions).

If you use the auto-activation of tables in the poker client (Gameplay / Multi-Tabling / Popup table whenever action is required), then when the next table is activated, the menu may disappear if you have opened it, but have not yet managed to select a label. To avoid this, turn off auto-activation in the poker client and use the Options / Popup table whenever action is required option in StarsCaption instead. This option will pause auto-activation while the custom note menu is open.

Also, using the Rows per column option, you can make a menu of several columns - if there are a lot of labels in your list and it is inconvenient to select them from one long list.

Unlike the original menu for setting notes, the custom menu does not have the last item for editing the list of labels, so if you need to edit the list, close StarsCaption or disable the custom note menu option.

You can also use hotkeys to assign color labels - Hotkeys / Additional hotkeys / Set note hotkeys. Here you can set up a separate hotkey for any of the labels, which allows you to put a label in one click - without calling the menu and choosing a color. You can assign hotkeys of this type both for the most frequently used colors (and use both the menu and hotkeys), and for all labels at once.

The Hotkeys / Additional hotkeys / Set note menu hotkey calls up a custom note setup menu. This hotkey also works on the observation tables and in the replayer - in contrast to setting a note by left clicking, which in the latest versions of the poker client only works on tables with a hero.

In addition, tooltips in Aurora can also be displayed in a separate window above all HUDs - to do this, enable the Notes / Show Aurora tooltips in HUD popup option.

Copying nicknames of opponents

You can copy opponents' nickname using the HUD / Player panels / OnClick / Copy to clipboard function. Add a panel to the Player panels list, set Copy to clipboard in OnClick and when you click on the panel, the nickname will be copied. You can also open the search site page for this nickname in the same way, for example Sharkscope. To do this, in OnClcik, select Search the Web and insert a search string below, for example https://sharkscope.com/#Player-Statistics//networks/PokerStars/players/[SCREENNAME]

When opening url in browser, [SCREENNAME] will be replaced with player's real nickname. If you play in two PokerStars clients at once and want to use different search strings for them, create two different panels with different search strings and set each of them to display only for the corresponding poker client using the Show panel / for certain poker clients option only. Then both copies of the panel can be placed in the same place on the table.

If you need to copy nicknames including sitting out opponents as well as immediately after opening a table, then add the [a] tag to the panel, this tag will display the HUD panel in all these situations. But this only works for simple tags like [nick], [country], [stack_bb] and does not work for complex types [actions] and [pos] (at least because sitting out players have no position and they do not perform actions).

I recommend using the [country] [a] panel with the HUD / [country] tag config / Use abberviation for the [country] tag value option enabled. In this case, the [country] tag will consist of only two letters and will not take up much space, and displaying the opponent's country itself can be useful.

Also, the option with the [a] tag will work for simple panels with text without other tags, for example, you can make a panel like C[a]. In this case, just the letter C will be displayed next to each opponent, and when you click on it, the nickname will be copied.

If you wish, you can also copy it simply by clicking on some area - for example, on the opponent's nickname or avatar. To do this, make a panel of only spaces (change the height of the panel with the panel font size, and the width by the number of spaces), also add the [a] tag to the panel. Place all copies of the panel in the places you need (above nicknames / avatars / somewhere else). Turn on Background / Invisible in the panel properties. As a result, the panels will not be visible, but they will react to clicks as before. This option will only work if the Options / Alternative method of a mouse processing in HUD option is disabled.

Displaying stack sizes for sitting out opponents

Use a panel in HUD / Player panels with the following Format string: [stack_bb] [SO] [a]

Such a panel will be displayed only for opponents who have Sitting Out in place of their stack and you can find out what stack they have.