Additional hotkeys

On this tab, you can configure hotkeys for setting color labels.

Set note hotkeys

In the Set note hotkeys section, you can set up a separate hotkey for any of the labels, which allows you to assign a label in one click - without opening a menu and choosing a color. You can assign hotkeys of this type both for the most frequently used colors (and use both the menu and hotkeys), and for all labels at once.

To add a hotkey, click the Add new hotkey button, configure the hotkey in the Hotkey field, and select the label number in the Note number field. The label numbers correspond to their order in the note menu, to configure the unlabel hotkey select number 0.

To assign a label, move the mouse cursor over an opponent (on a table or replayer) and use a hotkey - the color of the opponent's label will instantly change. The hotkey activation zone is limited to the area within which the menu appears when the right mouse button is pressed. If you use the hotkey in some other area of the table, then a menu for setting the table background or another context menu appears there. 

You can also configure the Set note menu hotkey, which allows you to call a custom set note menu:

This menu works similar to the Notes / Custom player note menu function. Menu appearance customization is also available on the Notes tab.

For hotkeys to work, you need to enable Gameplay / Player Notes / Left-click player to assign label option in the poker client settings (see here), since the program puts a label through the left-click menu by default. The program can also put labels by imitating a right click - to do this, enable the Hotkeys / Additional hotkeys / Set note via right click menu option. But this option has a drawback - hotkeys for setting labels with Ctrl / Shift / Alt modifiers will not work, because the current versions of the poker client do not activate the right mouse button menu if one of these keys is pressed.

Click on point hotkeys

In the Click on point hotkeys section, you can configure hotkeys for clicking on specified points of the table - in case you need to implement clicks on some buttons for which there are no hotkeys in StarsCaption.

To add a hotkey, click the Add new hotkey button, configure the key in the Hotkey field, and then configure the point and click type. To do this, click the Configure click point button.

Configure hotkey window will appear, in which you can set the click point for the hotkey. When you move the mouse over the PokerStars table, the Mouse point field will display the coordinates of the point under the mouse. Hover your mouse over the desired point on a table and press Ctrl - the coordinates will be saved in the Click point fields. If you want to set up a hotkey that will simulate a right-click (for example, this can be useful if you want to open the table background settings dialog), turn on Right click checkbox. After setting up the hotkey, the Configure hotkey window can be closed.