..2 Form

The Form's source is here .

How to import Form into the system see here .

Create and save a new form

Launch an XLSX Workbench, and create a new form with name ADMISSION_FORM .

Assign a context to the form

Assign a context ZCONTEXT_ADMISSION_FORM to the form. When an automatically creation of the Form structure will be prompted, you should press the button

to create a structure manually.

Markup of template

Markup an Excel-template as shown below :

Create a Form structure

Add the new components into form structure as shown in the picture below:

Note: use Mass creating of «Values», this way is more useful .

Template binding for components

Perform Template binding for all the «Patterns» and all the «Values» according to scheme below:

Note: The requirement is, the text from each «Value» has not to be inserted entirely to single target cell of the form; instead it the text from the «Value» has to be distributed over the target cell range (so that each char of the text would be placed in a separate cell). So, for each of recently added «Value» components perform the following:

    • In the Layout options item (in the Properties tab) swith on the radiobutton «Matrix» (set interval = 0) :

    • For Template binding, select target cell range (instead of single cell) in which the text should be distributed.

Context binding for components

Perform Context binding for «Values» according to scheme below (if you have recently used Mass creating of «Values» approach, the template binding of these components is established):


Add a component «Drawing» in order to put a photo:

Perform Context binding and Template binding in the «Properties tab»:

Activate the Form by pressing a button

Form is ready to use.


Summary Template/context binding scheme :