..2 Form

The Form's source is here .

How to import Form into the system see here .

Of course, you could create the form "from scratch", however, it will be faster to slightly modified the Form from the previous example. Here we explain this method.

Open the previous Form and save it by another name

Open (in the XLSX Workbench) the form SHIPPING_LABEL (from previous example) and save it by another name SHIPPING_LABELS.

To do it, You have to click an icon "drop-down list" (right-side of the button "Save")

and choose the item «Save as…». In a popup-window specify a new name (SHIPPING_LABELS):

Assign a new Context to the Form

Select a root node of the form structure tree

and in the Properties tab assign to a new context name ZCONTEXT_SHIPPING_LABELS :

Add a new Component «Loopstep» to the Form structure

Select the node

and create a new component «Loopstep» (with name LOOP_AT_LABELS, for example) under the Sheet. To do it, You have to press the button «Create»:

Assign the recently created «Loopstep» to Context table

To do it, You have to press the button "Pencil" in the item «Binding with context» of the Properties tab.

In the popup search-help choose a nested table (at which a loop has to be performed) of the context (in this case it is a root node of the context, it has a table type):

Move «Pattern» under the recently created «Loopstep»

Drag a component

and drop it on the

As result, the «Pattern» will be child node of the «Loop» node:

Correct a Context binding for all «Values»

  • Select a component "TO_NAME" in the form's structure tree.

  • Press a button in the item «Value» of the Properties tab.

  • In the popup search-help pick a field of the context:

In the same way, correct the binding with the context for the rest "Values" (TO_STREET, TO_TOWN, TO_STATE, TI_ZIP).

Activate the Form by pressing a button

Form is ready to use.


The final look of the Form structure tree:

This structure means the following :

  • Result Printing form will contain just single worksheet in the runtime mode.

  • In runtime mode, each iteration of «Loopstep»

induces an insertion of next Shipping Label in the worksheet

    • (it is obvious that the number of iterations of «Loopstep» is equal to the count of records in the assigned context table; and each table record contains the data for corresponding Shipping Label).

    • A direction

indicates that an each next «Pattern» will be placed below the previous one. In other words, all Shipping Labels will be located in the worksheet sequentially under each other, from Top to Bottom .

    • But, If we would change the direction to

the Labels would be located from the Left to the Right in the actual worksheet. It will be shown in the next example.