..2 Form

The Form's source is here .

How to import Form into the system see here .

Create and save a new form

Launch an XLSX Workbench, and create a new form with name HIDECOLUMNS .

Assign a context to the form

Assign a context ZCONTEXT_HIDECOLUMNS to the form. When an automatically creation of the Form structure will be prompted, you should press the button

to create a structure manually.

Markup of template

Markup an Excel-template as shown below :

Create a Form structure

Add the new components into form structure as shown in the picture below:

From picture above follows that:

  • Each table row represented by one whole «Pattern» for static columns (A, B, C) ; and additional three «Patterns» for each of columns (D, E, F) which displayed depending on conditions.

  • Pay attention to the «Direction» option for each of the «Pattern». Patterns of columns (D, E, F) should be placed righter than previous Pattern therefore they have «Direction» :

All Patterns are included in the «Folder»:

in order to correctly place the new table row in the form.

Template binding for components

Perform Template binding for a «Pattern» and all the «Values» according to scheme below:

Context binding for components

Perform Context binding for «Loopstep» and «Values» according to scheme below:

Option «Appearance at runtime»

To control the appearance of the «Patterns» in the Printing form at runtime, You can use an option «Appearance at runtime» in the Properties tab. This option associates the occurrence / absence of «Patterns» in Printing form with the presence / absence of value in a corresponding field of Context.

Use this option in according to scheme below:

Properties tab for Patterns of table HEADER.

Properties tab for Patterns of table ROW.

Activate the Form by pressing a button

Form is ready to use now.