..2 Form

The Form's source is here .

How to import Form into the system see here .

Create and save a new form

Launch an XLSX Workbench, and create a new form with name FORM_ORDER .

Assign a context to the form

Assign a context ZCONTEXT to the form. When an automatically creation of the Form structure will be prompted, you should press the button

As result, we'll get structure below in the Form structure tree:

For Values: TOTAL (position) , TOTAL (footer) and SUBTOTAL (footer) set radiobutton Formula in the Layout options (Properties tab):

Added components have already assigned to the Context (i.e. will already have Context binding), but they are still needs a Template binding.

We'll perform Template binding later, but first we perform markup of template.

Markup of template

On the Excel-template worksheet we mark all design elements of the Order form (or use COPY/ PASTE from another source):

Template binding for components

Perform Template binding for a «Patterns» .

Perform Template binding for «Values» according to scheme below:

Logo (in the upper left corner of the form)

As you see, there is a logo picture in the upper left corner of the template (is raster picture in the GIF-format). If you want to output this picture to the Printing form in runtime, you must create corresponding component «Drawing» in the Form's structure tree .

1) Create component «Drawing»

as child of the component

Result is below:

to the cell range [ A1:B2 ] in the Excel-template.

3) Assign component

to a source. In this case source is not rawdata from context field, but is a static drawing from Excel-template. Go to «Properties tab» and perform steps below :

Activate the Form by pressing a button

Form is ready to use.