Quicklisp Library Trivia as of December 2017

(I still have another 300+ projects to analyze, so these are more a sense of direction)

Number of Projects: 1587

Number of projects: 1587

Number of quicklisp systems: 3837 (many projects have more than one system; a separate testing system is just one example)

Number of distinct packages: 4449 (the increase comes from the "every file is a separate package" style of coding)

Number of distinct author combinations: 604 (includes combinations of authors who re-ordered the names in different projects)

Number of different spellings of approximately 14 different licenses: 133 (who needs consistency)

Your count may vary on any of these depending on how well I have eliminated different versions of the same library and I do not have some of the fortran libraries counted due to non-lisp issues.

Most prolific "package" creators:

Many of these may be sub-packages of a single large project.

Prolific Authors by Number of Projects defined as separate projects by Quicklisp

Average Number of Lines Over Function/Macro/Method/Class

License Usage

This is by quicklisp packages, not projects, so quicklisp projects which have a main project and a project-test package will both be counted, but it does not count all the packages that follow the one package per file style.

Compiling this was frustrating because what many authors put as the license in their asd file is not the license file that is actually included in the source code. One author actually included a license file pulled from a second author, including a copyright notice for the second author rather than him or herself. Please, pay attention. This does have legal implications. Even if you do not care about the legal impact, data inconsistency breaks this dba's heart.