
Server Performance Testing Comparison

Performance Testing static files using Apachebenchmark version 2.3 These are not real world benchmarks. It was done on a local machine (no network lag involved) and delivered a simple small static file and no optimization. I am not showing all the runs, but apache on my test box starts showing inconsistent speeds after about 150 concurrent users. Hunchentoot starts showing inconsistent speeds somewhere between 50 and 100 concurrent users and, at 200 concurrent users, I was seeing a lot of socket resets. Your mileage will vary. Please send comments, suggestions or corrections to sabra.crolleton<at>

Different Runs

The last column is the period of time it took (per request) 50% of the page requests to be fullfilled. In other words, looking at the last row, 50% of the page requests were fullfilled within 139 ms, but the overall mean time (previous column) was 711 ms, indicating that some pages requests were fullfilled much slower than the typical request.