Exploring a database

Sometimes you just get handed a some databases and now you want to know just what is in the box. The obvious answer is to pull out something like pgadmin3, sometimes you just want to run from the repl. Postmodern has various functions to inspect database http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/postmodern/postmodern.html#inspect:

    • list-tables
    • table-exists-p
    • table-description
    • list-sequences
    • sequence-exists-p
    • list-views
    • view-exists-p
    • list-schemata
    • schema-exist-p

It is obviously also possible to roll your own functions and go exploring. I have tried to write these functions so that they will take either a string or a symbol and hyphens will be converted to underscores just to make it easier to deal with the lisp idiom of using hyphens which are not allowed in sql. You do have to remember that this is happening, however.

Utility Functions

I'm going to introduce a couple of utility function First, just to convert hyphens to underscores since sql refuses to deal with hyphens

(defun normalize-for-sql (string)
  "substitutes underlines for hyphens"
  (substitute #\_ #\- string))

Second, a macro which is in postmodern, but not exported, so here it is out in the open

(defmacro make-list-query (relkind)
  "COPIED FROM POSTMODERN: Helper macro for the functions that list tables,
sequences, and views."
  `(sql (:select 'relname :from 'pg-catalog.pg-class
                 :inner-join 'pg-catalog.pg-namespace :on (:= 'relnamespace
                 :where (:and (:= 'relkind ,relkind)
                              (:not-in 'nspname (:set "pg_catalog" "pg_toast"))
                              (:pg-catalog.pg-table-is-visible 'pg-class.oid)))))

Postgreql Version

(defun database-version ()
  "Returns the version of the current postgresql database"
  (query (:select (:version)) :single)

List databases and sizes

(defun list-databases ()
  "This list drops the first two template databases"
  (let ((all-databases
            (:select 'datname
                     :from 'pg-database) 'datname)))))
     (set-difference  all-databases (list "template0" "template1")
                      :test 'equal))))
(defun list-databases-and-sizes ()
    "Returns a list of the databases and pretty-prints the sizes"
        (:select 'datname
                            (:pg-database-size 'pg-database.oid))
                         :from 'pg-database)
        (:desc (:pg-database-size 'pg-database.oid)))))

Number of Records in a Database

(defun num-records-in-database ()
    "Returns a list of lists with schema, table name and approximate number of
records in the currently connected databaseo"
    (query (:order-by (:select 'schemaname 'relname 'n_live_tup
                                                         :from 'pg_stat_user_tables) 
                                        (:desc 'n_live_tup))))

Current Database

(defun current-database ()
  "Returns the string name of the current database"
  (query (:select (:current-database)) :single))

Database Exists

(defun database-exists-p (database-name)
  "Determine if a particular database exists"
      (if (symbolp database-name)
      (setf database-name
            (string-downcase (normalize-for-sql (string database-name))))
      (setf database-name (normalize-for-sql database-name)))
  (member database-name (list-databases) :test 'equal))

Database Size

(defun current-database-size-pretty ()
  "Returns the current database size as a string in MB"
  (query (:select (:pg_size_pretty
                   (:pg_database_size (:current_database))))
(defun current-database-size ()
  "Returns the current database size in bytes"
  (query (:select (:pg_database_size (:current_database)))


Postmodern already has a function

(list-tables (string-p t))


(table-exists-p (name))

But what about the tables in the database by schema?

The following list-database-tables function defaults to the schema named public

(defun list-database-tables (&optional (schema-name "public"))
  "Returns a list of the tables in the schema in the currently
connected database. The list is in string form."
  (flatten (query
             (:select 'table-name
                      :from 'information-schema.tables
                      :where (:= 'table-schema '$1))

Oh. You wanted all tables and their sizes, including the system tables? OK.

(defun list-all-table-sizes ()
  "Returns a list of lists (table-name, size in 8k pages) of all tables, indexes
etc in the database in descending order. Includes system tables, so there
are a lot more than you would expect"
  (query (:order-by (:select 'relname 'relpages
                             :from 'pg_class)
                    (:desc 'relpages))))

Table Size

(defun table-size (table-name)
  "Return the size of a postgresql table in k or m. Table-name can be either a
string or quoted."
    (when (symbolp table-name)   
        (setf table-name  (string-downcase (write-to-string table-name))))
  (query (:select (:pg_size_pretty (:pg_total_relation_size'$1)))

More Table Information

(defun more-table-info (table-name)
  "Returns more table info than table-description. Table can be either a
string or quoted."
    (if (symbolp table-name)
    (setf table-name  (string-downcase
                       (normalize-for-sql (string table-name))))
    (setf table-name (normalize-for-sql table-name)))
  (query (:order-by (:select (:as 'a.attnum 'ordinal-position)
                             (:as 'a.attname 'column-name)
                             (:as 'tn.typname 'data-type)
                             (:as 'a.attlen  'character-maximum-length)
                             (:as 'a.atttypmod 'modifier)
                             (:as 'a.attnotnull 'notnull)
                             (:as 'a.atthasdef 'hasdefault)
                             :from (:as 'pg_class 'c)
                             (:as 'pg_attribute 'a)
                             (:as 'pg_type 'tn)
                             :where (:and
                                     (:= 'c.relname '$1)
                                     (:> 'a.attnum 0)
                                     (:= 'a.attrelid 'c.oid)
                                     (:= 'a.atttypid 'tn.oid)))

Sample usage: (more-table-info 'activity-types)

((1 "id" "int4" 4 -1 T NIL) (2 "name" "varchar" -1 259 NIL NIL) (3 "permission_id" "int4" 4 -1 NIL T))

Slightly Different Table Info

(defun more-table-info-info-schema (table-name)
  "Returns more table info than table-description, but using the
information_schema tables. Notice several differences between this
and more-table-info. First, this returns  'integer' or 'nextval(sequence-name0'
rather than int4, :NULL rather than NIL, and the max-length results are different.
Table can be either a string or quoted."
    (if (symbolp table-name)
      (setf table-name
            (string-downcase (normalize-for-sql (string table-name))))
      (setf table-name (normalize-for-sql table-name)))
  (query (:order-by (:select 'ordinal-position 'column-name 'data-type
                             'character-maximum-length 'is-nullable
                             'column-default 'numeric-precision
                             :from 'information-schema.columns
                             :where (:= 'table-name '$1))

Sample Usage:

(more-table-info-info-schema "activity-types")
((1 "id" "integer" :NULL "NO" :NULL 32) (2 "name" "character varying" 255 "YES" :NULL :NULL) (3 "permission_id" "integer" :NULL "YES" "1" 32))


(defun list-database-users ()
  "List Database Users."
  (query (:order-by (:select 'usename
                             :from 'pg_user)


(defun list-schemas ()
    "List schemas in the current database"
    (flatten (query (:select 'nspname
                           :from 'pg_namespace
                                                     :where (:!~* 'nspname "^pg_.*")))))

Information about schemas

(defun list-schema-table-type-owner (relkind-type)
    "Returns a list of lists showing the schema, the name, the type and the owner
where relkind-type is a list of strings where the strings are: c,r,v,i,S,c,t or f"
    (query (:order-by (:select (:as 'n.nspname 'Schema)
                                    (:as 'c.relname 'Name)
                                    (:as (:case ((:= 'c.relkind "r") "Table")
                                                 ((:= 'c.relkind "v") "view")
                                                 ((:= 'c.relkind "i") "index")
                                                 ((:= 'c.relkind "S") "sequence")
                                                 ((:= 'c.relkind "c") "composite")
                                                 ((:= 'c.relkind "t") "TOAST")
                                                 ((:= 'c.relkind "f") "foreign"))
                                    (:as 'u.usename 'Owner)
                                    (:as (:/ (:pg_total_relation_size 'c.oid) 1000) 'Size)
                                    (:as 'c.reltuples 'Records)
                                    (:as 'c.relhasindex 'Indexed)
                                    (:as 'c.relchecks 'Constraints)
                                    (:as 'c.relhastriggers 'Triggers)
                                    (:as (:pg_size_pretty (:pg_total_relation_size 'c.oid))
                                    :from (:as 'pg-catalog.pg-class 'c)
                                    :left-join (:as 'pg-catalog.pg-user    'u)
                                    :on (:= 'u.usesysid  'c.relowner)
                                    :left-join (:as 'pg-catalog.pg-namespace    'n)
                                    :on (:= 'n.oid  'c.relnamespace)
                                    :where (:and (:in 'c.relkind (:set relkind-type ""))
                                                             (:not-in 'n.nspname
                                        (:set "pg_catalog" "pg-toast"))
                                                             (:pg-catalog.pg-table-is-visible 'c.oid)))
                    1 2)))
Sample usage: (first (list-schema-type-table-owner '("r" "v"))
returns a list output with respect to the the first table something like this:
("public" "activity_types" "Table" "sabra" 40 12.0 T 0 NIL "40 kB")
Translation: Schema: public Table Name: activity_types owner: sabra Size in kb: 40 Number of records: 12
             Indexed: true  Constraints: 0 Triggers: No Pretty Printed Size: 40kb


List of columns

(defun list-columns (table-name)
  "Returns a list of strings of just the column names in a table.
Pulls info from the postmodern table-description function
rather than directly."
  (when (table-exists-p table-name)
    (let ((field-list ()))
      (dolist (x (postmodern:table-description table-name))
        (push (first x) field-list))
      (nreverse field-list))))
Sample usage: (list-columns 'activity-types)
returns something like this:
("name" "permission_id" "id")

List of columns and their types

(defun list-columns-with-types (table-name)
  "Return a list of (name type) lists for the fields of a table. Goes
directly to the pg-catalog tables."
  (if (symbolp table-name)
      (setf table-name
             (string-downcase (string table-name))))
      (setf table-name (normalize-for-sql table-name)))
  (when (table-exists-p table-name)
     (:select (:as 'a.attname 'column)
              (:as (:pg-catalog.format_type 'a.atttypid  'a.atttypmod)
              :from (:as 'pg-catalog.pg-attribute 'a)
              :where (:and
                      (:> 'a.attnum 0)
                      (:not 'a.attisdropped)
                      (:= 'a.attrelid
                           :from (:as 'pg-catalog.pg-class 'c)
                           :left-join (:as 'pg-catalog.pg-namespace 'n)
                           :on (:= 'n.oid 'c.relnamespace)
                           :where (:and
                                   (:= 'c.relname '$1)
                                   (:pg-catalog.pg-table-is-visible 'c.oid))))))

Sample usage:

(list-columns-with-types 'activity-types)
(("id" "integer") ("name" "character varying(255)") ("permission_id" "integer"))
(list-columns-with-types "activity-types")
(("id" "integer") ("name" "character varying(255)") ("permission_id" "integer"))

Column Exists

(defun column-exists-p (table-name column-name)
  "Determine if a particular column exists. Table name and column-name
can be either strings or symbols."
    (if (symbolp table-name)   
      (setf table-name  (string-downcase
                         (normalize-for-sql (string table-name))))
      (setf table-name (normalize-for-sql table-name)))
    (if (symbolp column-name)   
      (setf column-name  (string-downcase
                          (normalize-for-sql (string column-name))))
      (setf column-name (normalize-for-sql column-name)))
    (query (:select 'attname :from 'pg_attribute
                      :where (:= 'attrelid
                                 (:select 'oid :from 'pg-class
                                          :where (:and (:= 'relname '$1)
                                                       (:= 'attname '$2)))))
             table-name column-name))

Did you ever wonder how many tables had a column of the same name?

(defun list-tables-with-column (column-name)
    "Returns a list of table names where the tables have the column parameter.
Column-name can be either a symbol or a string. "
  (when (symbolp column-name)
    (setf column-name (normalize-for-sql
                       (string-downcase (string column-name)))))
    (flatten (query (:select 'table-name
                                                     :from 'information-schema.columns
                                                     :where (:= 'column-name '$1))
Sample usage: (list-tables-with-column 'text) or (list-tables-with-column "text)


List database functions

(defun list-database-functions ()
  "Returns a list of the functions in the database from the information_schema"
  (query (:select 'routine-name :from 'information-schema.routines
                   (:not-in 'specific-schema
                            (:set "pg_catalog" "information-schema"))
                   (:!= 'type-udt-name "trigger")))))

Sequences and Views

Postmodern already has functions for

(list-sequences (strings-p t))
(sequence-exists-p (name))
(list-views (strings-p t))
(view-exists-p (name))

If you wanted to get the sequence name for a particular table you would use the built-in function pg_get_serial_sequence like so (assuming table name of "users" and the sequence column "id":

(query (:select (:pg-get-serial-sequence "users" "id")))

Describe Views

(defun describe-views ()
    "Describe the current views in schema public"
        (:select 'c.oid 'c.xmin 'c.relname
                         (:as (:pg_get_userbyid 'c.relowner) 'viewowner)
                         'c.relacl 'description
                         (:as (:pg_get-viewdef 'c.oid 't) 'code)
                         :from (:as 'pg_class 'c)                         
                         :left-join (:as 'pg_description 'des)
                         :on (:and (:= 'des.objoid 'c.oid)
                                             (:= 0 'des.objsubid))
                         :left-join (:as 'pg_catalog.pg_namespace 'n)
                         :on (:= 'n.oid 'c.relnamespace)
               (:and 'c.relhasrules
                      (:select 'r.rulename
                               :from (:as 'pg_rewrite 'r)
                               :where (:and (:= 'r.ev_class 'c.oid)
                                            (:= (:bpchar 'r.ev_type)
                                                (:type "I" bpchar))))))
               (:= 'c.relkind (:type "v" char)))
              (:= 'n.nspname "public")))


(defun list-indices (&optional strings-p)
  "Return a list of the indexs in a database. Turn them into keywords
if strings-p is not true."
  (let ((result (query (make-list-query "i") :column)))
    (if strings-p result (mapcar 'from-sql-name result))))
(defun list-table-indices (table-name &optional strings-p)
  "List the index names in a table. Does not include primary or unique keys"
  (when (table-exists-p table-name)
    (let ((result (flatten
                     :from 'pg_class
                     :where (:in 'oid
                                  :from 'pg_index 'pg_class
                                  :where (:and
                                          (:= 'pg_class.relname table-name)
                                          (:= 'pg_class.oid 'pg_index.indrelid)
                                          (:!= 'indisunique "t")
                                          (:!= 'indisprimary "t")))))))))
      (if strings-p result (mapcar 'from-sql-name result)))))
(defun list-indexed-column-and-attributes (table-name)
  "List the indexed columns and their attributes in a table. Includes primary key."
   (:select 'pg_attribute.attname
            (:format_type 'pg_attribute.atttypid 'pg_attribute.atttypmod)
            :from 'pg_index 'pg_class 'pg_attribute
            :where (:and (:= 'pg_class.oid (:type '$1 :regclass))
                         (:= 'indrelid 'pg_class.oid)
                         (:= 'pg_attribute.attrelid 'pg_class.oid)
                         (:= 'pg_attribute.attnum
                             (:any* 'pg_index.indkey))))

List Index Definitions

(defun list-index-definitions (table-name)
  "Returns a list of the definitions used to create the current indexes for
the table"
    (if (symbolp table-name)   
      (setf table-name
            (string-downcase (normalize-for-sql (string table-name))))
      (setf table-name
            (string-downcase (normalize-for-sql table-name))))
  (when (table-exists-p table-name)
    (query (:select (:pg_get_indexdef 'indexrelid)
                    :from 'pg_index
                    :where (:= 'indrelid (:type '$1 :regclass)))

Sample usage:

(list-index-definitions "activity_types")
(("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cisco_activity_types_id_key ON activity_types USING btree (id)") ("CREATE INDEX activity_types_id_idx ON activity_types USING btree (id)"))


(defun list-foreign-keys (table-name)
  "List the foreign keys in a table"
  (query (:select 'tc.constraint_name
                  'tc.table_name 'kcu.column_name
                  (:as 'ccu.table_name 'foreign_table_name)
                  (:as 'ccu.column_name 'foreign_column_name)
                  :from (:as 'information_schema.table_constraints 'tc)
                  (:as 'information_schema.key_column_usage 'kcu)
                  :on (:= 'tc.constraint_name 'kcu.constraint_name)
                  (:as 'information_schema.constraint_column_usage 'ccu)
                  :on (:= 'ccu.constraint_name 'tc.constraint_name)
                  :where (:and (:= 'constraint_type "FOREIGN KEY")
                               (:= 'tc.table_name '$1)))


(defun list-unique-or-primary-constraints (table-name)
  "List constraints on a table"
  (when (table-exists-p table-name)
    (query (:select
            :from 'pg-class
            (:in 'oid (:select 'indexrelid
                               :from 'pg-index 'pg-class
                               :where (:and
                                       (:= 'pg-class.relname '$1)
                                       (:= 'pg-class.oid 'pg-index.indrelid)
                                       (:or (:= 'indisunique "t")
                                            (:= 'indisprimary "t"))))))
(defun list-all-constraints (table-name)
  "Users information_schema to list all the constraints in a table. Table-name
can be either a string or quoted."
    (when (symbolp table-name)
        (setf table-name  (string-downcase (write-to-string table-name))))
    (when (table-exists-p table-name)
      (query (:select 'constraint-name 'constraint-type
                      :from 'information-schema.table-constraints
                      :where (:= 'table-name '$1))

Describe Constraints

(defun describe-constraint (table-name constraint-name)
  "Return a description list of a particular constraint given
the table-name and the  constraint name using the information_schema
    (if (symbolp table-name)   
      (setf table-name
            (string-downcase (normalize-for-sql (string table-name))))
      (setf table-name
            (string-downcase (normalize-for-sql table-name))))   
  (when (table-exists-p table-name)
      (:select 'tc.constraint-name
               (:as 'rc.match-option 'match-type)
               (:as 'rc.update-rule 'on-update)
               (:as 'rc.delete-rule 'on-delete)
               (:as 'ccu.table-name 'references-table)
               (:as 'ccu.column-name 'references-field)
               :from (:as 'information-schema.table-constraints 'tc)
               :left-join (:as 'information-schema.key-column-usage 'kcu)
               :on (:and (:= 'tc.constraint-catalog 'kcu.constraint-catalog)
                         (:= 'tc.constraint-schema 'kcu.constraint-schema)
                         (:= 'tc.constraint-name 'kcu.constraint-name))
               :left-join (:as 'information-schema.referential-constraints
               :on (:and (:= 'tc.constraint-catalog 'rc.constraint-catalog)
                         (:= 'tc.constraint-schema 'rc.constraint-schema)
                         (:= 'tc.constraint-name 'rc.constraint-name))
               :left-join (:as 'information-schema.constraint-column-usage
               :on (:and (:= 'rc.unique-constraint-catalog
                         (:= 'rc.unique-constraint-schema
                         (:= 'rc.unique-constraint-name 'ccu.constraint-name))
               :where (:and (:= 'tc.table-name (normalize-for-sql '$1))
                            (:= 'tc.constraint-name
                                (normalize-for-sql constraint-name))))

Foreign Key Constraints

(defun describe-foreign-key-constraints ()
  "Generates a list of lists of information on the foreign key constraints"
  (query (:order-by (:select 'conname
                             (:as 'conrelid 'table)
                             (:as 'pgc.relname 'tabname)
                             (:as 'a.attname 'columns)
                             (:as 'confrelid 'foreign-table)
                             (:as 'pgf.relname 'ftabname)
                             (:as 'af.attname 'fcolumn)
                             (:as 'pg_attribute 'af)
                             (:as 'pg_attribute 'a)
                             (:as 'pg_class 'pgc)
                             (:as 'pg_class 'pgf)
                              (:select 'conname 'conrelid 'confrelid
                                       (:as (:[] 'conkey 'i) 'conkey)
                                       (:as (:[] 'confkey 'i) 'confkey)
                                       :from (:as
                                               'conrelid 'confrelid
                                               'conkey 'confkey
                                                 (:array-upper 'conkey 1))
                                               :from 'pg_constraint
                                               :where (:= 'contype "f" ))
                                       ) 'ss2)
                             :where (:and (:= 'af.attnum 'confkey)
                                          (:= 'af.attrelid 'confrelid)
                                          (:= 'a.attnum 'conkey)
                                          (:= 'a.attrelid 'conrelid)
                                          (:= 'pgf.relfilenode 'confrelid)
                                          (:= 'pgc.relfilenode 'conrelid)))
                    'ftabname 'fcolumn 'tabname 'columns)))


(defun list-triggers (&optional table-name)
  "List distinct trigger names from the information_schema table. Table-name can be
either quoted or string."
    (if table-name
                (when (symbolp table-name)   
                    (setf table-name  (string-downcase (write-to-string table-name))))
                (when (table-exists-p table-name)
                    (flatten (query
                                        (:select (:as 'trg.tgname 'trigger-name)
                                                         :from (:as 'pg-trigger 'trg) (:as 'pg-class 'tbl)
                                                         :where (:and (:= 'trg.tgrelid 'tbl.oid)
                                                                                    (:= 'tbl.relname '$1)))
            (flatten (query
                                (:select 'trigger-name :distinct
                                                 :from 'information-schema.triggers
                                                 (:not-in 'trigger-schema
                                                                    (:set "pg-catalog" "information-schema")))))))
(defun list-detailed-triggers ()
  "list detailed information on the triggers from the information_schema table"
   (:select '*
            :from 'information-schema.triggers
            (:not-in 'trigger-schema
                     (:set "pg_catalog" "information_schema")))))


(defun list-tablespaces ()
    "Lists the tablespaces in the currently connected database"
    (query (:order-by (:select (:as 'spcname 'name) :from 'pg_tablespace)

Types in a Database

(defun list-types-in-database ()
    "list the available types in the database."
    (query (:select 'oid (:as (:format-type :oid :NULL) 'typename)
                                    :from 'pg-type :where (:= 'typtype "b"))))