
[Special Characters][A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

sql-op :+, :*, :%, :&, :|, :||, :=, :/, :!=, :<, :<>, :>, :<=, :>=, :^, *, /, , <, >, and, any, as, avg, between, case, coalesce, commit, constraints, count, current-date, current-timestamp, datatypes, date-part,date-trunc,desc, distinct, distinct-on, except, :except-all exists, group-by, having, in, insert, :intersect, :intersect-all, is-null, join cross-join, join inner-join, join left-join, join outer-join, like, limit, not,now, null, on, or, order-by, raw, rollback, select, set, some, sum, transactions, truncate, union, union-all, unique, update, using, when, while

More Complicated Examples

The following functions generate information about the database currently in use. They are here as examples of slightly more complicated queries using s-sql. The first query function generates information on the foreign key constraints in a database. Ignoring all the postgresql internal table names, while this looks complicated, the only additional items really here are :[] as the op for getting an array index, :generate-series, and :array-upper

(defun describe-foreign-key-constraints ()
  "Generates a list of lists of information on the foreign key constraints"
  (query (:order-by (:select 'conname
                             (:as 'conrelid 'table)
                             (:as 'pgc.relname 'tabname)
                             (:as 'a.attname 'columns)
                             (:as 'confrelid 'foreign-table)
                             (:as 'pgf.relname 'ftabname)
                             (:as 'af.attname 'fcolumn)
                             (:as 'pg_attribute 'af)
                             (:as 'pg_attribute 'a)
                             (:as 'pg_class 'pgc)
                             (:as 'pg_class 'pgf)
                              (:select 'conname 'conrelid 'confrelid
                                       (:as (:[] 'conkey 'i) 'conkey)
                                       (:as (:[] 'confkey 'i) 'confkey)
                                       :from (:as (:select 'conname
                                                           'conrelid 'confrelid
                                                           'conkey 'confkey
                                                            (:generate-series '1
                                                                              (:array-upper 'conkey 1))
                                                           :from 'pg_constraint
                                                           :where (:= 'contype "f" ))
                             :where (:and (:= 'af.attnum 'confkey)
                                          (:= 'af.attrelid 'confrelid)
                                          (:= 'a.attnum 'conkey)
                                          (:= 'a.attrelid 'conrelid)
                                          (:= 'pgf.relfilenode 'confrelid)
                                          (:= 'pgc.relfilenode 'conrelid)))
                    'ftabname 'fcolumn 'tabname 'columns)))

(defun list-schema-table-type-owner (relkind-type)
  "Returns a list of lists showing the schema, the name, the type and the ownerwhere relkind-type is a list of strings where the strings are: c,r,v,i,S,c,t or f"
  (query (:order-by (:select (:as 'n.nspname 'Schema)
                             (:as 'c.relname 'Name)
                             (:as (:case ((:= 'c.relkind "r")
                                         ((:= 'c.relkind "v")
                                         ((:= 'c.relkind "i")
                                         ((:= 'c.relkind "S")
                                         ((:= 'c.relkind "c")
                                         ((:= 'c.relkind "t")
                                         ((:= 'c.relkind "f")
                             (:as 'u.usename 'Owner)
                             (:as (:/ (:pg_total_relation_size 'c.oid) 1000) 'Size)
                             (:as 'c.reltuples 'Records)
                             (:as 'c.relhasindex 'Indexed)
                             (:as 'c.relchecks 'Constraints)
                             (:as 'c.relhastriggers 'Triggers)
                             (:as (:pg_size_pretty (:pg_total_relation_size 'c.oid)) 'Size)
                             :from (:as ' 'c)
                             :left-join (:as ' 'u)
                             :on (:= 'u.usesysid  'c.relowner)
                             :left-join (:as '  'n)
                             :on (:= 'n.oid  'c.relnamespace)
                             :where (:and (:in 'c.relkind (:set relkind-type ""))
                                          (:not-in 'n.nspname (:set "pg_catalog" "pg-toast"))
                                          ( 'c.oid)))
                    1 2)))

(defun describe-views ()
  "Describe the current views in schema public"
    (:select 'c.oid 'c.xmin 'c.relname
             (:as (:pg_get_userbyid 'c.relowner)
             'c.relacl 'description
             (:as (:pg_get-viewdef 'c.oid 't)
             :from (:as 'pg_class 'c)
             :left-join (:as 'pg_description 'des)
             :on (:and (:= 'des.objoid 'c.oid)
                       (:= 0 'des.objsubid))
             :left-join (:as 'pg_catalog.pg_namespace 'n)
             :on (:= 'n.oid 'c.relnamespace)
             :where (:and (:or (:and 'c.relhasrules
                                      (:select 'r.rulename
                                               :from (:as 'pg_rewrite 'r)
                                               :where (:and (:= 'r.ev_class 'c.oid)
                                                            (:= (:bpchar 'r.ev_type)
                                                                (:type "I" bpchar))))))
                               (:= 'c.relkind (:type "v" char)))
                          (:= 'n.nspname "public")))