Motor Boats Can Reduce Water Quality

Huge motorboats, with their strong draft and the speed at which they are operated, create waves that aggravate the erosion of shorelines and waterfronts, thereby contributing to the accelerated deterioration of water quality and wildlife habitats. Powerful engines free up phosphorus and heavy metals, like nickel, that have accumulated in large quantities in the sediment at the bottom of the lake. Making phosphorus available spurs the growth of aquatic plants and blue-breen algae.

Smaller boats, particularly personal water-jet-propelled craft, with only a small draft, are more easily maneuvered in shallow water, and their use contributes to the degradation of spawning areas and other wildlife habitats along the waterfront or in the littoral zone. Yet the littoral zone is the part of a lake or river where animal and plant life is most concentrated.

The boating speed limit on Ramsey Lake is 50 km/hr but 10km/hr within 30 m of shore. Is that reasonable? Boating on Ramsey Lake has led to fatalities.

There is no speed limit for a car on a frozen lake because the Highway Traffic Act does not apply on waterways. However, if a driving is very aggressive/dangerous (putting people in danger, risking their life etc.,) they can be charged with dangerous driving under the Criminal Code.