Digital Footprint

According to a digital footprint is:


one's unique set of digital activities, actions, and communications that leave a data trace on the Internet or on a computer or other digital device and can identify the particular user or device:

Our online browsing habits are part of our passive digital footprint, created without our consent or knowledge, but our active digital footprint, especially on social media, can more easily be managed.

one’s overall impact, impression, or effect as manifested on the Internet; online presence or visibility, as of a person or company: a celebrity with a large digital footprint;

ways to expand your brand’s digital footprint

Click here to see an article about a former student and what he is doing about Digital Footprints and helping you to "own your digital output."

In summary, everything you do in the digital world can be tracked and traced back to you. So why is this so important? Let's watch the following videos to see:


Your Digital Footprint and Cyber Safety (2:02)

Your Digital Footprint - News 5 (3:26)

Your Digital Footprint May Be Unflattering - UMass Dartmouth (3:30)

Digital Dossier (4:24)

4 Reasons to Care About Your Digital Footprint (8:00)



Read article below about Google collecting your data

Google's Data Collection

Assignment #1

  • Google yourself, your parents or grandparents. In a separate word document, tell me: (5 pts)
    • 3 sites you searched (whether you found information there or not)
    • What information and or pictures did you find? (try to find at least 10 items)
    • What pictures did you find?
  • If nothing is found, student must at least note the sites they looked through

Assignment #2

    • Now create what you would like your Digital Footprint to look like? What information would it contain? What pictures might you show? (20 pts)
    • Find a footprint that you think represents you.
    • Using whatever software package you are most comfortable with (PowerPoint, PhotoShop) create a "Digital Footprint" that you would like to represent you.
      1. Find a footprint that represents you.
      2. Embellish with 5 Images of apps/web site you frequent
      3. Embellish it with 10-15 descriptive words / short phrases about you
      4. Embellish it with at least 5 pictures (not of you)
        • what interests do you have?
        • what music do you listen to?
        • personal characteristics?
        • songs / music?
        • literature?

****Employers, Military and Colleges are googling you, what do you want them to see?****