Decision tree and automatic rule generation

Post date: Mar 3, 2014 3:41:28 AM

We can automatically create a collection of rules for any node in a decision tree. In this example I use an R package rpart to build the tree and develop a function to return a collection of rule based on the decision tree. The rpart object my.tree is given below:

> print(my.tree)
n= 891 
node), split, n, loss, yval, (yprob)
      * denotes terminal node
 1) root 891 342 0 (0.61616162 0.38383838)  
   2) Sex=male 577 109 0 (0.81109185 0.18890815)  
     4) Age>=6.5 553  93 0 (0.83182640 0.16817360) *
     5) Age< 6.5 24   8 1 (0.33333333 0.66666667) *
   3) Sex=female 314  81 1 (0.25796178 0.74203822)  
     6) Pclass>=2.5 144  72 0 (0.50000000 0.50000000)  
      12) Fare>=23.35 27   3 0 (0.88888889 0.11111111) *
      13) Fare< 23.35 117  48 1 (0.41025641 0.58974359)  
        26) Embarked=S 63  31 0 (0.50793651 0.49206349)  
          52) Fare< 10.825 37  15 0 (0.59459459 0.40540541) *
          53) Fare>=10.825 26  10 1 (0.38461538 0.61538462) *
        27) Embarked=C,Q 54  16 1 (0.29629630 0.70370370) *
     7) Pclass< 2.5 170   9 1 (0.05294118 0.94705882) *

For demonstrative purpose, let's extract the rule for node#5 from the tree above. At the end, the output rule would look like this:

"!($Sex)) & df.train$Sex %in% c('male') & !($Age)) & df.train$Age<6.5"

The example of the code is shown below:

rm(list = setdiff(ls(), lsf.str())) setwd("C:/Users/kittipat/research/rpart_demo") library(rpart);    load("train.RData")   #names(df.train)   # ========================= # -- Training the tree -- # ========================= rpart.control=rpart.control(minsplit=30, cp=0.01) my.tree <- rpart(formula=Survived~., data=df.train[, !(names(df.train) %in% c("PassengerId", "Name", "Ticket", "Cabin"))],                  na.action=na.pass, method='class', control=rpart.control, x=T, y=T)   # -- check which variables are used (and not) in the model -- colnames(my.tree$x) # variables used in the model   # ================================ # --- see the plot of the tree --- # ================================ library(partykit); png(file="plot_tree.png", width=12, height=6, units='in', res=300) plot(   # -- write the full tree in text -- tree_text_full <- capture.output(print(my.tree)) write(x=tree_text_full, file="tree_text_full.txt", append=F, sep=",")   # =============================================== # --- apply the trained tree to a new test data --- # =============================================== load("test.RData") y.test <- predict(object=my.tree, newdata=df.test,                   type = "class",                   na.action = na.pass)   table(y.test,df.test.label$survived, useNA='ifany')   # ============================================================== # --- Pruning the tree --- # When you want to have a simpler tree, you prune the tree # by increasing the complexity parameter cp--the bigger cp, the simpler tree # ============================================================== my.tree.prune <- prune(tree=my.tree, cp=0.02) # -- write the prune tree in text -- tree_text_prune <- capture.output(print(my.tree.prune)) write(x=tree_text_prune, file="tree_text_prune.txt", append=F, sep=",")   # ====================================== # --- Automatic rule generating --- # ====================================== # This is the function to generate a rule automatically from any node in the tree source("tree_functions.r") # Get all the rules in the path to a node expr <- path.rpart(tree=my.tree,nodes=5)[[1]] # Convert all the rules to R syntax expr.out <- autoGenerateRule(expr, df.train,'df.train', na.check=T)  # combine all the rules in the path into a single rule extracted.rule.text <- paste(expr.out$rule.extract, collapse=" & ") # The output extracted rule would look something like this: # "!($Sex)) & df.train$Sex %in% c('male') & !($Age)) & df.train$Age<6.5"   # ================= # evaluate the rule # ================= outcome <- eval(parse(text=extracted.rule.text))   # How many observations fall into this bucket table(outcome, useNA='ifany') # outcome # FALSE  TRUE  # 867    24    # In that bucket, how many are positive? table(df.train$Survived[outcome], useNA='ifany') # 0  1  # 8 16    print(my.tree) # Note that this gives the same answer as appeared in the tree summary # 1) root 891 342 0 (0.61616162 0.38383838)   # 2) Sex=male 577 109 0 (0.81109185 0.18890815)   #   5) Age< 6.5 24   8 1 (0.33333333 0.66666667) *
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And if you are interested to see the comprehensive report and rules extracted from the tree, you might want to run the part 2 of the code:

# ============================================================================= #                                  PART 2 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Report rule and yield from every node in the tree for oth train and test set # ============================================================================= <- as.numeric(row.names(my.tree$frame)) # list of nodes in the tree # <-[order(] # <- setdiff(,1) # remove the root node   # ---------------------------- # prepare node dataframe report # ---------------------------- <- NULL # tree node number in depth-first search <- data.frame(''=paste('node#',row.names(my.tree$frame),sep=""))$ <- my.tree$frame$var$level <- floor(log2($level.display <- sapply($level,                                         FUN=function(times) { return(paste(rep('-',times),sep="",collapse="")) }) # prepare room for all metrics$vol.invg.train <- NA$perc.yield.train <- NA$perc.cover.train <- NA$tp.cnt.train <- NA$fp.cnt.train <- NA$tn.cnt.train <- NA$miss.train <- NA$vol.invg.test <- NA$perc.yield.test <- NA$perc.cover.test <- NA$tp.cnt.test <- NA$fp.cnt.test <- NA$tn.cnt.test <- NA$miss.test <- NA # ----------------------------   # ------------------------------------------------------------ # For-loop for each node in depth-first search, skipping the root # ------------------------------------------------------------ for (i in 2:length( { <-[i]   expr <- path.rpart(tree=my.tree,,[[1]]   expr.out <- autoGenerateRule(expr, df.train,'df.train', na.check=T)    extracted.rule.text <- paste(expr.out$rule.extract, collapse=" & ")     # -- evaluate the rule for train dataset --   is.fired <- eval(parse(text=extracted.rule.text))   confusion.matrix <- table(is.fired, df.train$Survived, useNA='ifany')   confusion.matrix <-   row.names(confusion.matrix)[ row.names(confusion.matrix)=='FALSE' ] <- 'rule.not.fired'   row.names(confusion.matrix)[ row.names(confusion.matrix)=='TRUE' ] <- 'rule.fired'   # all necessary metrics   tp.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.fired','1']   fp.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.fired','0']   tn.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.not.fired','0']   fn.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.not.fired','1']   perc.yield <- 100*tp.cnt/(tp.cnt+fp.cnt)   perc.cover <- 100*tp.cnt/(tp.cnt+fn.cnt)   vol.invg <- tp.cnt+fp.cnt     # -- evaluate the rule for train dataset --   is.fired <- eval(parse(text=extracted.rule.text))   confusion.matrix <- table(is.fired, df.train$Survived, useNA='ifany')   confusion.matrix <-   row.names(confusion.matrix)[ row.names(confusion.matrix)=='FALSE' ] <- 'rule.not.fired'   row.names(confusion.matrix)[ row.names(confusion.matrix)=='TRUE' ] <- 'rule.fired'   # all necessary metrics   tp.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.fired','1']   fp.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.fired','0']   tn.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.not.fired','0']   fn.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.not.fired','1']   perc.yield.train <- 100*tp.cnt/(tp.cnt+fp.cnt)   perc.cover.train <- 100*tp.cnt/(tp.cnt+fn.cnt)   vol.invg.train <- tp.cnt+fp.cnt   tp.cnt.train <- tp.cnt   fp.cnt.train <- fp.cnt   tn.cnt.train <- tn.cnt   miss.train <- fn.cnt     # -- evaluate the rule for test dataset --   extracted.rule.text <- gsub(pattern='df.train',replacement='df.test',x=extracted.rule.text)   is.fired <- eval(parse(text=extracted.rule.text))   confusion.matrix <- table(is.fired, df.test.label$survived, useNA='ifany')   confusion.matrix <-   row.names(confusion.matrix)[ row.names(confusion.matrix)=='FALSE' ] <- 'rule.not.fired'   row.names(confusion.matrix)[ row.names(confusion.matrix)=='TRUE' ] <- 'rule.fired'   # all necessary metrics   tp.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.fired','1']   fp.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.fired','0']   tn.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.not.fired','0']   fn.cnt <- confusion.matrix['rule.not.fired','1']   perc.yield.test <- 100*tp.cnt/(tp.cnt+fp.cnt)   perc.cover.test <- 100*tp.cnt/(tp.cnt+fn.cnt)   vol.invg.test <- tp.cnt+fp.cnt   tp.cnt.test <- tp.cnt    fp.cnt.test <- fp.cnt   tn.cnt.test <- tn.cnt   miss.test <- fn.cnt     # -- make dataframe report --$vol.invg.train[i] <- vol.invg.train$perc.yield.train[i] <- perc.yield.train$perc.cover.train[i] <- perc.cover.train$tp.cnt.train[i] <- tp.cnt.train$fp.cnt.train[i] <- fp.cnt.train$tn.cnt.train[i] <- tn.cnt.train$miss.train[i] <- miss.train$vol.invg.test[i] <- vol.invg.test$perc.yield.test[i] <- perc.yield.test$perc.cover.test[i] <- perc.cover.test$tp.cnt.test[i] <- tp.cnt.test$fp.cnt.test[i] <- fp.cnt.test$tn.cnt.test[i] <- tn.cnt.test$miss.test[i] <- miss.test     # -- report result --   if (perc.yield.train > 0 & perc.cover > 0) {     capture.output(     cat(sprintf("node#%i --                  train set -- invg vol:%i  yield:%.2f%%  coverage:%.2f%%  tp:%i  fp:%i  tn:%i  miss:%i                 test set -- invg vol:%i  yield:%.2f%%  coverage:%.2f%%  tp:%i  fp:%i  tn:%i  miss:%i                 Rule: %s \n\n",        ,                  vol.invg.train, perc.yield.train, perc.cover.train,tp.cnt.train,fp.cnt.train,tn.cnt.train,miss.train,                 vol.invg.test, perc.yield.test, perc.cover.test,tp.cnt.test,fp.cnt.test,tn.cnt.test,miss.test,                 extracted.rule.text))     ,file="all_rule_summary.txt", append=T)   }     }   write.csv(, file='tree_report.csv', row.names=F)
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The function is shown below

# --- This is the function to generate a collection of rules from a single path to a node in a decision tree autoGenerateRule <- function(expr, df,'yourDFName', na.check=T) {     # version 1.0   # Kittipat "Bot" Kampa -- kittipat AT gmail     # ========================================   # expr: expression can be list of text or dataframe each element is a text   # df: the dataframe object containing the variables used in the rules   # The name of dataframe to appear on the extracted rule   # na.check: TRUE if we want to include NA-check expression in the extracted rule, for instance, !($Age))   # ========================================     # coerce expr to data.frame   if (class(expr)=="list") {expr <- expr[[1]]}     # Keeping only 1 line would be enough   # We will use this for determining the type of variable   df <- df[1,]     # parse variable name, arithmetic and values   first.part <- regexpr(pattern=".*[<|>|<=|>=|=]",text=expr)   first.part <- regmatches(x=expr,m=first.part)   var.names <- gsub(" *[<|>|<=|>=|=] *","",first.part)   # Note that the first element "root" will be automatically eliminated here   # because it does not contain the symbol ><=     mid.part <- regexpr(pattern="[<=|>=|<|>|=]+",text=expr)    var.arith <- regmatches(x=expr, m=mid.part)     last.part <- regexpr(pattern="[<|>|<=|>=|=]+.*",text=expr)   last.part <- regmatches(x=expr,m=last.part)   var.values <- gsub("^ *[<|>|<=|>=|=]+ *","",last.part)     # type of each variable   var.type <- sapply(X=df[,var.names], FUN=class)     # make a more proper format for the values   # I could have done a better job by avoding the for-loop and using apply instead   var.values2 <- NULL   var.arith2 <- NULL   for (i in 1:length(var.names)) {     if (var.type[i] == "factor") {       var.values2[i] <- paste("c('", gsub(pattern=",",replacement="','",x=var.values[i]),"')",sep="")       var.arith2[i] <- " %in% " # change "=" to "%in%"       } else {       var.values2[i] <- var.values[i]       var.arith2[i] <- var.arith[i]     }   }     # combine to generate rule path <- paste("!(",,"$",var.names,"))",sep="")   if ( na.check == T ) {     # rule + checking NA case     rule.extract <- paste("!(",,"$",var.names,")) & ",,"$",var.names, var.arith2, var.values2, sep="")   } else {     # only the rule     rule.extract <- paste(,"$",var.names, var.arith2, var.values2, sep="")   }     out.expr <- list("var.names"=var.names,                    "var.arith"=var.arith,                    "var.values"=var.values,                    "var.type"=var.type,                    "var.arith2"=var.arith2,                    "var.values2"=var.values2,                    "rule.extract"=rule.extract,                    ""     return(out.expr) }
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Note that this version does not include logic optimization, for example, the tree can produce some redundant rule like "a > 1 & b > 6 & a > 3", which can be better represented by "a > 3 & b > 6",