Complete example

First you might want to make an easy but cool data set using the code below. The obtained data is a spiral in 3D. You need to download the function generateSpiralDataWithLabels.

top view of the data set
side view
% make a dataset
dirData = './data';
Nc = 10;
Ns = 100;
h = 15;
r = 3;
[data, label] = generateSpiralDataWithLabels(Nc,Ns,h,r);
Ns = 50;
[data, label] = generateSpiralDataWithLabels(Nc,Ns,h,r);

Now that we have train and test data set saved in 'spiral_Nc10_train.mat' and 'spiral_Nc10_test.mat' respectively, we will do some easy but practical experiment on the data sets.

Start by reading the data. Though the data is in 3D, but we will just use only 2D.

Train and test set
close all
% addpath to the libsvm toolbox
%% read the data set Spiral
dirData = './data';
rawTrainData = data(:,1:2);
rawTrainLabel = label;
NTrain = size(rawTrainData,1);
[sortedTrainLabel, permIndex] = sortrows(rawTrainLabel);
sortedTrainData = rawTrainData(permIndex,:);
rawTestData = data(:,1:2);
rawTestLabel = label;
NTest = size(rawTestData,1);
[sortedTestLabel, permIndex] = sortrows(rawTestLabel);
sortedTestData = rawTestData(permIndex,:);
% combine the data together just to fit my format
totalData = [sortedTrainData; sortedTestData];
totalLabel = [sortedTrainLabel; sortedTestLabel];
% Plot the train and the test data set when sorted according to its corresponding label
subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(totalLabel); title('class label');
subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(totalData); title('features');
[N D] = size(totalData);
labelList = unique(totalLabel(:));
NClass = length(labelList);
% #######################
% Determine the train and test index
% #######################
trainIndex = zeros(N,1); trainIndex(1:NTrain) = 1;
testIndex = zeros(N,1); testIndex( (NTrain+1):N) = 1;
trainData = totalData(trainIndex==1,:);
trainLabel = totalLabel(trainIndex==1,:);
testData = totalData(testIndex==1,:);
testLabel = totalLabel(testIndex==1,:);

Next, we do cross validation for parameter selection for C and gamma. Here I have 2 codes to do cross validation. First, we do traditional semi-manually pick a good range of C and g, then let the for loop find a good (C,g) for us.

% % % % #######################
% % % % Semi-manual cross validation
% % % % Parameter selection using n-fold cross validation
% % % % #######################
% % % % === traditional manual cv =====
% % % bestcv = 0;
% % % for log2c = -1:1:5,
% % %   for log2g = -8:1:3,
% % %     cmd = ['-q -c ', num2str(2^log2c), ' -g ', num2str(2^log2g)];
% % %     cv = get_cv_ac(trainLabel, trainData, cmd, 3);
% % %     if (cv >= bestcv),
% % %       bestcv = cv; bestc = 2^log2c; bestg = 2^log2g;
% % %     end
% % %     %fprintf('%g %g %g (best c=%g, g=%g, rate=%g)\n', log2c, log2g, cv, bestc, bestg, bestcv);
% % %   end
% % % end
% % % disp(['The best parameters, yielding Accuracy=',num2str(bestcv*100),'%, are: C=',num2str(bestc),', gamma=',num2str(bestg)]);
% % % % ===============================

I don't think the first approach is practical because in general we have no idea about a good range of such parameters. Therefore, in my second approach I do automatic parameter selection.

% #######################
% Automatic Cross Validation
% Parameter selection using n-fold cross validation
% #######################
stepSize = 10;
bestLog2c = 1;
bestLog2g = -1;
epsilon = 0.005;
bestcv = 0;
Ncv = 3; % Ncv-fold cross validation cross validation
deltacv = 10^6;
while abs(deltacv) > epsilon
    bestcv_prev = bestcv;
    prevStepSize = stepSize;
    stepSize = prevStepSize/2;
    log2c_list = bestLog2c-prevStepSize:stepSize/2:bestLog2c+prevStepSize;
    log2g_list = bestLog2g-prevStepSize:stepSize/2:bestLog2g+prevStepSize;
    numLog2c = length(log2c_list);
    numLog2g = length(log2g_list);
    cvMatrix = zeros(numLog2c,numLog2g);
    for i = 1:numLog2c
        log2c = log2c_list(i);
        for j = 1:numLog2g
            log2g = log2g_list(j);
            cmd = ['-q -c ', num2str(2^log2c), ' -g ', num2str(2^log2g)];
            cv = get_cv_ac(trainLabel, trainData, cmd, Ncv);
            if (cv >= bestcv),
                bestcv = cv; bestc = 2^log2c; bestg = 2^log2g;
    deltacv = bestcv - bestcv_prev;
disp(['The best parameters, yielding Accuracy=',num2str(bestcv*100),'%, are: C=',num2str(bestc),', gamma=',num2str(bestg)]);

The cross validation results are shown below:

The best parameters, yielding Accuracy=61.8%, are: C=64, gamma=0.015625

The best parameters will be used in the subsequent svm models. Next step is to train the svm model using the code ovrtrainBot.

% #######################
% Train the SVM in one-vs-rest (OVR) mode
% #######################
bestParam = ['-q -c ', num2str(bestc), ', -g ', num2str(bestg)];
% bestParam = ['-q -c 8 -g 0.0625'];
model = ovrtrainBot(trainLabel, trainData, bestParam);

The svm model will be used to classify the test data set. I slightly modified the original svmpredict, my version is called ovrpredictBot.

% #######################
% Classify samples using OVR model
% #######################
[predict_label, accuracy, decis_values] = ovrpredictBot(testLabel, testData, model);
[decis_value_winner, label_out] = max(decis_values,[],2);

The result might look like the block below. Note that even though the "single-classification" gives very high accuracy (around 93%) for each class k=1 to 10, the total accuracy can be low. Is that weird? Why? In fact, that is not strange at all in one-vs-rest appraoch that the single classification accuracy is high. That's because in ovr, the number of the "rest" (-1) is huge and they are quite easy to separate from the main (+1) class. However, when we combine all the single classification result together, there will be some competitive effect between the winning classes, which leads to low accuracy.

Accuracy = 91.6% (458/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 93.6% (468/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 95.6% (478/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 92.2% (461/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 93.2% (466/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 92.2% (461/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 93% (465/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 92.2% (461/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 93.8% (469/500) (classification)
Accuracy = 93.6% (468/500) (classification)
Total accuracy from the SVM: 64.8%

We might want to see the confusion matrix and the total accuracy

confusion matrix
% #######################
% Make confusion matrix
% #######################
[confusionMatrix,order] = confusionmat(testLabel,label_out);
% Note: For confusionMatrix
% column: predicted class label
% row: ground-truth class label
% But we need the conventional confusion matrix which has
% column: actual
% row: predicted
figure; imagesc(confusionMatrix');
xlabel('actual class label');
ylabel('predicted class label');
totalAccuracy = trace(confusionMatrix)/NTest;
disp(['Total accuracy from the SVM: ',num2str(totalAccuracy*100),'%']);

The results are plotted in this section. The test set is plotted such that the color represents class and the size of the circle patch is proportional to the decision value of each test sample when classified. That is, the bigger size denotes more probable that the sample is in its corresponding class.

decision value and the output
The clustering results in 2D
% #######################
% Plot the results
% #######################
subplot(1,3,2); imagesc(predict_label); title('predicted labels'); xlabel('class k vs rest'); ylabel('observations'); colorbar;
subplot(1,3,1); imagesc(decis_values); title('decision values'); xlabel('class k vs rest'); ylabel('observations'); colorbar;
subplot(1,3,3); imagesc(label_out); title('output labels'); xlabel('class k vs rest'); ylabel('observations'); colorbar;
% plot the true label for the test set
patchSize = 20*exp(decis_value_winner);
colorList = generateColorList(NClass);
colorPlot = colorList(testLabel,:);
scatter(testData(:,1),testData(:,2),patchSize, colorPlot,'filled'); hold on;
% plot the predicted labels for the test set
patchSize = 10*exp(decis_value_winner);
colorPlot = colorList(label_out,:);
scatter(testData(:,1),testData(:,2),patchSize, colorPlot,'filled');

It's a good idea to see the decision boundary of those 10 classes on the feature space. Here I also plot each point on the feature space.

The decision boundary plotted for the whole domain
% #######################
% Plot the decision boundary
% #######################
% Generate data to cover the domain
minData = min(totalData,[],1);
maxData = max(totalData,[],1);
stepSizePlot = (maxData-minData)/50;
[xI yI] = meshgrid(minData(1):stepSizePlot(1):maxData(1),minData(2):stepSizePlot(2):maxData(2));
% #######################
% Classify samples using OVR model
% #######################
[pdl, acc, dcsv] = ovrpredictBot(xI(:)*0, [xI(:) yI(:)], model);
% Note: when the ground-truth labels of testData are unknown, simply put
% any random number to the testLabel
[dcsv_winner, label_domain] = max(dcsv,[],2);
% plot the result
patchSize = 20*exp(dcsv_winner);
colorList = generateColorList(NClass);
colorPlot = colorList(label_domain,:);
scatter(xI(:),yI(:),patchSize, colorPlot,'filled');