Space between subplots

Post date: Aug 31, 2011 10:02:17 PM

The solution is provided by Randy, from mathworks forum.

For each subplot, store its handle.

h = subplot(2,3,1);

Then set the 'position' property of h to be anything you want.

p = get(h, 'pos');

This is a 4-element vector [left, bottom, width, height] which

by default is in normalized coordinates (percentage of

figure window). For instance, to add 0.05 units (5% of

figure window) to the width, do this:

p(3) = p(3) + 0.05;

set(h, 'pos', p);

The SUBPLOT command picks standard values for these

parameters, but they could be anything you want. You

could put axes anywhere on the figure you want,

any size you want.