Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Break From Australia

I have to get out of Australia (2013/2014) if I want to stay there longer. For me Bali was my second option. My first option wasn't possible due to unrest on those islands. Bali is in one word relaxing. Totally different from western world, but sometimes it can also be frustrating. I mostly went to Bali to relax and take a break from Australia which was really getting to me. I found this in Bali … most of the time.

Why Some Bali Things Frustrate Me

The beach was relaxing, walking in the rice fields was. Even being talked to all the time was ok. But a few things got to me and got me totally frustrated. Before I dulge into this I must say these things frustrated me because of my character and others mind like it. And I had a really wonderful time there and would visit again to relax, maybe than these things wouldn’t get to me anymore.

Milk Me

It seems that everybody wants to sell something to me. I am the walking cash machine according to them. Of course I may have in general more means then people living in Bali, but this doesn’t give people permission to try to milk me or get angry at me for not going into their shop.

Kopen, Kopen, Kopen

Another thing that got to me is that as people see me reading, they think I should relax. And relax means in Bali doing nothing or talk to each other. Remember, as I told before I am an extreme introvert, who enjoys talking to others, but in small doses. But in Bali there are no small doses, one after the other wants to talk to me. And me being nice I answer them all, but then at the end of the day I am exhausted and fled to my room to read in quiet peace and still can hear Kopen, Kopen Kopen. That is the Dutch they know, because Dutch people don't buy things they like to say this to annoy the Dutch or talk to me.