Digital Nomad And Then I Am Free?

Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Full-Time Digital Nomad To Part-Time Digital Nomad

In 2013, when I thought I wanted to travel, I came across the term digital nomad. I immersed myself in it and thought it might be something for me. I started in 2013 as a full-time digital nomad, but in 2016 I reduced the idea to a part-time digital nomad. It was too tiring to keep finding a new place to live. But in two factors I remain digital nomad, namely I still love to travel, and my work can be done from almost anywhere.

Writing Contest

Before I became a digital nomad, I went to the digital nomad congress in Berlin to get a taste of the lifestyle and meet other digital nomads. Since then I have come across them sporadically and I follow them online. Until 2018, I saw the Freedom X Fest, a festival for digital nomads about freedom in the Pyrenees in Spain. I started thinking about freedom and wrote a short essay about it and sent it in. I won second prize for writing. 

Freedom X Fest Here I Come!

It was a mixture of networking, gaining information and enjoying nature. The festival made me think again and inspired:

It was wonderful to think about these questions and talk to others. What I took from the festival is that I am as free as I feel and that I can create more freedom for myself if I want to.

Workcations Always Nice To Consider

Could I have done these thoughts at home? No, because when I am camping outside my comfort zone and fed with different opinions, it makes me think. I can certainly recommend the Freedom X Fest to others for inspiration. Would I go again? Probably not, but to another workcation to step outside my comfort zone and get inspired, yes. And I will never camp again, because that was way out of my comfort zone twice.