Big Data eCourse

Together with Laudius and another teacher I made a Big Data eCourse in Dutch about what Big Data is, how to analyze Big Data and Privacy & Ethics in Big Data research. With the code: GUISELAINE 10 percent discount (Affiliate).


Volunteering As A Business Coach

When I lived in Eindhoven, I signed myself up for being a business coach for a youngster. The youngsters needed to be motivated to go to school, work or start a business. They got lessons from the buzzinessclub, the coach would talk to them about once a week and I would also talk with the younster assigned to me. There is a match based on what I fill in and what the youngsters fill in. There was one girl who wanted to start a business, she was assigned to me. She wanted to start a cake business. The younster and I met to talked about what she wanted and if I could help her.

Coaching Besides The Schooling

I met with the younster a few times to discuss how she was doing with starting the business. I gave her tips, invited her to get to know Seats2Meet Eindhoven and helped her set up her administration. After a while she was doing good in school and with her business too. So I parted from the youngster after talking to her and giving her the last tips. This is the way the coaching from the professional is set up by the buzinezzclub, when the youngster don't need a professional anymore the coaching is ended and another youngster can be matched.

The Succes Of The Business Coach Method

It is all about what the youngsters want and it is about getting them active on the labor market and staying on the labor market by finding their passion and learning. The club asked me if I wanted to coach another one, but I was busy with a lot of other assignments and declined. I liked doing this, but it took a lot of me.