
Expertise and focus:

Patient- centred care and outcome

Other interests:

1) Education of Maternity and Child Health Care Professionals (MDG 4 & 5)

2) Quality and Patient Safety: integrated and patient-centered care, Organisational system design and culture

3) Reproductive Health; Pregnancy, Antenal and Postnatal Care

4) Methods; qualitative methodologies, innovative methods (e-, m-, narratives, case studies)

Examples of projects and project involvement:

COST Action IS1405 "Building Intrapartum Research Through Health (BIRTH)", Swiss delegate to Action (Coordinator of Swiss participation: C. Meier Magistretti, HSLU) (PI: Soo Downe, UCLAN); Maternal Health Experiences Research during Childbirth in Switzerland/ Wirksamkeit der Betreuung auf die Gesundheit rundum der Geburt aus Sicht der Frauen in der Schweiz

Survey Men’s sexuel health in Switzerland (Co- PI: Chr. Sieber, SEXUELLE GESUNDHEIT Schweiz)

Fälle- für-Alle (PI: Verein Fälle für Alle, Germany)

Needs of mothers with a second child at home in the first weeks after giving birth (PI: Patricia Blöchlinger, freipraktizierende Hebammen Innerschweiz)

COST Action IS0907 "Childbirth Cultures, Concerns and Consequences". Creating a dynamic framework for optimal maternity care, Swiss delegate to Action and Coordinator of Swiss particiapation (PI: Soo Downe, UCLAN)

Erfahrungen von Müttern mit der Betreuung nach der Geburt; erste nationale Schweizerische Umfrage (PI: Claudia Meier Magistretti, HSLU)

Hebammenbegleitung während der Schwangerschaft im Spital. Eine Umfrage in Schweizer Spitälern (Midwife-guided antenatal care during pregnancy in Swiss hospitals)

Research Proposal Improving local patient- centred maternity services (Design Proposal and Acquisition of Funding (Lead, with Co-PI) (Partner: Swiss hospital, BUAS IT)

Research proposal E- Matrix: Participative development of a e-health platform for integrated health care during pregnancy, birth and posnatal period (Design Proposal and Acquistition of Funding (Lead, with Co-PI)) (Partner: Swiss hospital, BUAS IT)

Development Multidisciplinary Patient Safety Curriculum Guide (PI: WHO, Geneva)

Exploring the nature and manifestations of bullying across childbirth cultures ( PI: Dr. Patricia Gillen, University of Ulster)

Evaluation Qualitätsmanagement für freipraktizierende Hebammen (QM fpH) des Schweizerischen Hebammenverbandes (SHV)

Was ist eine Normale Geburt? Betrachtungsweisen von Hebammen in der Schweiz (Co-PI: Franziska Sutter, Frauenklnik Inselspital)