
"What I propose, therefore, is very simple: it is nothing more than to think what we are doing." (Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition)

Dr. phil. Ans Luyben PhD PgED PGDM RM

Fachexpertin für Frauen- und Familiengesundheit

International Adviser & Consultant for Women's and Family Health Care

Professional roles:

Midwife, Practitioner/ Hebamme, in der Praxis

Educator/ Coach & Pädagogin

Lactation Counsellor IBCLC/ Stillberaterin IBCLC

Academic und Researcher/ Akademikerin & Forschende

Main expertise and focus:

Education in health care/ Bildung im Gesundheitswesen

Maternity Care; Obsterics & Midwifery/ Antenatal and Postnatal Care, Geburtshilfe und Hebammenwesen, insbesondere Schwangerenvorsorge und Wochenbett

Quality and evaluation; Safety and Satisfaction/ Qualität und Evaluation; Sicherheit und Zufriedenheit

Patient- centred care and outcome/ Patientzentrierte Betreuung und Outcome

Organisational system design and culture/ Organisationssystem- und -kultur

Process design, management and optimalisation/ Prozessgestaltung,- management and - optimalisierung

Cross-cultural compararative studies (qualitative, multiple languages)