Saving images to Flickr

Adding your images to Flickr

Flickr will store up to one terabyte for free (a second terabyte costs $25 per year).

It is great for genealogists because you can store pictures and documents and it is so easy.

Make sure you have an account. If you have a Yahoo account you don’t need a new account but if you don’t sign up – it Is very quick and easy

At the top of the Flickr page on the black band is YOU – click on YOU

On the same band is UPLOAD

Drag your snip or image /jpeg to the upload page

To see your picture choose PHOTOSTREAM and it will be at the front of the line

If you want to add this picture to an album select ALBUMS at the top of the page and make a new album or use one you have

Once you are in the Album click EDIT. You will see the items in your photostream – the newest will be on the far left. Drag the jpeg up into your album.

Flickr has really great instructions – from the main page at the very bottom of the page it says HELP (not Help Forum, choose HELP) and you find a very fast guide to whatever you want to do.