
Institut Ítaca 

Institut Itaca is a secondary school located in Sant Boi de Llobregat, a town near Barcelona.

Our school website is

Here you can enjoy a video about the school made by some students.

Erasmus Corner

Establishing the application garden

Planting the Soil

In our school, teachers and students are working together to make a special place – our school garden!

We all take turns planting seeds in the soil. We sow different kinds of flowers, herbs, and even some vegetables. After planting, we all help take care of the garden. We water the plants, remove the weeds, and watch as everything starts to grow. Our teachers teach us about the soil and the cool science stuff happening in our outdoor classroom. We're learning to be responsible for the garden. We understand that our actions, like watering the plants and keeping the garden clean, make a big difference. It's like taking care of a little piece of the world around us. 

Carry your water

We walked to Golbes fountain, which is 2,2 km far from school. We filled containers and we walked back to school to water our application garde 

Energy Saving Day

For Energy Saving Day, we have created a list of tips to save energy at school and at home and then we have made up slogans to promote energy saving and have recorded videos. 

Implementing LTT1 activities:

Water Footprint Matching Game

Students played a game that helped them understand the concept of Water footprint.

Water is crucial for our daily activities, but have you ever thought about how much water you use, both directly and indirectly, every day?

When we turn on the tap to drink water, take a shower, or wash dishes, we are using water directly. Think about the food you eat, the clothes you wear, or even the products you use. The water used to grow the food, make the clothes, or manufacture those products is not always obvious, but it's there. This is called indirect water use – the water hidden in the things we buy. 

Your choices can make a difference in preserving this precious resource for the future!

How the Game Worked:

International Wetlands Day (1).pptx

World Wetlands Day

We learned about wetlands, their importance and the need to take action and help preserve them. After that, we created a presentation and we created infographs about different wetlands in Europe that appear in the interactive map below.

Informing our Community

Every Drop Counts

Spanish students created on the importance of stopping wasting water as it is a limited resource. Then they were hanged in the school toilets and fountain to raise awareness among the school community.

eStem applications


After watching the next video:

In pairs, you have to make a Canva. The Canva should reflect the next issues:

The message you have to show  has to be pretty clear

Recycling workshop

During LTT4, which took place in our school, we organised recycling workshops. We made soap out of used oil for washing clothes and we made earrings out of aluminium coffee capsules. Both, used oil and aluminium are very pollutant materials for our oceans so this way we can reduce sea waste.

Recycling competitions

Eco competitions.mp4

Research on climate change

Spanish students did some research on climate change. First they watched some videos on climate change and did some work on them and then they created presentations on climate change in Spain.

Trip to a water supply



     Impressions on mobilities

     Riverside cleaning activity

      Celebrating Erasmus Days

IWD design your own poster.pdf

Designing a simple mechanism

Dirty Water Filtration


What do we need ?

What will we do ?

3.1. A layer of cotton in the neck area of the bottle

3.2. A medium-sized layer of stone

3.3. A layer of thick gravel

3.4. A layer of fine gravel

3.5. A layer of sand

3.6. A layer of biological debris, such as leaves and branches, to simulate the floor of a forest

Why does it happen?

Much of the water that humans drink comes out of wells and aquifers. The water in these places comes from rainwater that filters through the ground and accumulates in certain underground areas. The soil, therefore, acts as a filtering system that retains impurities and makes groundwater clean and drinkable.

 This natural filtering system that we have built, with layers of different materials, simulates the floor of a forest. It is very important to preserve natural spaces, as they are very important for the maintenance of clean aquifers and that they provide us with drinking water.

Fashion workshop and fashion show

Trip to water spring

Our older and younger students visited two water springs. The first one was the river in Montseny mountain. Our older students had a walk and they could enjoy the flora and geology. The second one was the Llobregat delta, located near our town and home to many sea birds. There our younger students could learn about the flora and geology in the area and do birdwatching.

Short movie competittion

Spanish students created videos to raise awareness on climate change and its consequences. This is the winning video.

Forests Day

In order to celebrate Forests Day we created collages related to nature made of tree leaves found on the ground.

For Water Day we debated about the importance of water for life and the we thought about sentences beginning with Without water… . Then we cut out drops of water and we wrote our sentences in them. 

Research on water pollution

ocean pollution (1).pdf