Food, the Environment & Climate Change

Food systems, our eating habits and food choices (how and what we eat) and food waste all have an impact on the environment and can contribute to climate change.

Food Systems and the Environment

This resource from Food For All NB explains climate change, how it connects to our food systems, and actions we can take to reduce our impact on the environment.

A visualization from Our World in Data of various foods and the greenhouse gas emissions from their production.

A brief background on climate change and its connection to food systems from Johns Hopkins Centre for a Livable Future.

Food Waste and Climate Change

A brief background on the impacts of wasted food from Johns Hopkins Centre for a Livable Future.

Quick facts on food waste and further resources to minimize food waste at the individual level from Food First NL.

Action and Advocacy

This resource from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation highlights how to reduce food waste through learning based activities for home and school.

A brief background on how government policies affect how and what we eat from Johns Hopkins Centre for a Livable Future.