Technology Resources

Cut-and-Paste Instructions for CCID re-sets, People Pages (formerly Professor Pages) updates and ONECard Requests

Re-setting your CCID
Before you can proceed with the other two items, you will need to reset your CCID. Here is a link to the instructions to do that.

If these instructions do not work, and you have not used your CCID for a significant period of time, it may have been disabled. If this is the case, you will need to contact MedIT to have a new CCID created. You can contact them at 780-492-9731 for assistance.

Updating People Pages
Once you have your CCID reset, you can proceed with updating your professor page. Here is the link with the instructions to do that:

Getting a ONECard
You can order your ONECard through this website. Please note the option you will use is 'ONECard for Staff, Postdocs and Contractors'.

Technology Support

Med IT

For software installation, software updates, printer problems, problems with your desktop, problems accessing your folders. or call at 492-9731.

MedIT Help Portal

University IST

For Google issues (Gmail, drive, calendar), or phone problems. or call at 780-492-9400


For supplies or problems with the copier/printer/scanner.


AltaLink C8055, serial number 8TB600571

Technology Training Centre

The Technology Training Centre in the Cameron Library provides training fora number of technologies and software, including Google, Cascade (University Websites), Adobe Creative Suite products and Microsoft software.

The Department's 2019-2020 Annual report is now available at this link.

NAAFP Funds FYI one-pager

Someone asked me how to re-set their CCID! What do I tell them^

Technology Tips from the Research Working Smarter Group

U of A email to voicemail tip

Create an e-signature tip

Free Zoom via eClass tip

February 16, 2021