
NEW: Requests to Re-set CCID

If you are contacted by someone who needs to re-set their CCID, here are instructions you can send to them.

Re-setting your CCID

Before you can proceed with the other two items, you will need to reset your CCID. Here is a link to the instructions to do that.

If these instructions do not work, and you have not used your CCID for a significant period of time, it may have been disabled. If this is the case, you will need to contact MedIT to have a new CCID created. You can contact them at 780-492-9731 for assistance.

Updating Professor Pages

Once you have your CCID reset, you can proceed with updating your professor page. Here is the link with the instructions to do that:

Getting a ONECard

You can order your ONECard through this website. Please note the option you will use is 'ONECard for Staff, Postdocs and Contractors'.