Field Day -- 2014

Thank you to all who helped with Field Day, especially Jimmy Floyd, NQ4U, who set up all the equipment, and antennas.

Field Day pictures courtesy Kenny Johns, AB4EG

Jimmy Floyd, NQ4U helping out a future ham.

Jimmy, NQ4U showing Jessie, son of Terry Blackburn KM4CBP how it's done! Jessie finally caught on and was making contacts.

Tennessee Section Manager Keith Miller N9DGK, Greg Flanagan N4GMF, and Tim Belton KK4DTT share a light-hearted moment before Field Day.

Eric Murley studying the Field Day Rules before Field Day gets underway.

Lee KF4NZV and Phillip KG4NVN signing in with Eric making sure everything runs smoothly.

Kenny Johns, AB4EG (now WN8Y) helping out a future ham.

Tim KK4DTT (left) logging a contact made by Jerry N4ERT.

Ben K4BEZ setting up his emergency NVIS HF antenna based on the military AS-2259/GR antenna. See the article below on how to build this antenna.

Ben K4BEZ and Tom AI4DB working the "pirate" Field Day station with Ben's emergency NVIS antenna.