WTARS Club Constitution

West Tennessee Amateur Radio Society


EIN: 84-1716174


Name: The name of this organization shall be the West

Tennessee Amateur Radio Society.


Purpose: The purpose of this organization shall be the

promotion of interest in amateur radio communications

and experimentation; the relaying of messages by radio

without charge; the furtherance of the public welfare;

the advancement of the radio art; the fostering and

promotion of intercommunication by electronic means

for the personal benefit of members and without pecu-

niary gain; the fostering of education in the field of

electronic communications and the dissemination of

knowledge and information by electronic means. The

Society strongly supports and encourages an active

relationship with emergency and disaster relief organi-


approved by a majority of those members present at the

next regularly scheduled business meeting. A mini-

mum of eleven monthly business meetings will be held

each year.


Membership: Full membership in the Society shall be

open to any licensed amateur having an interest in the

purpose of the Society upon payment of annual dues.

Persons who are not licensed amateurs, but who have an

interest in the purpose of the Society, may become

Associate members upon payment of annual dues. Other

types of membership may be authorized in the bylaws.

The amount of dues in each class of membership and

method of determining dues will be specified in the



Officers: There shall be a President, a Vice President,

a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Equipment Officer

whose duties, elegibility for office, removal from of-

fice, succession and terms of office are defined in the

bylaws of the West Tennessee Amateur Radio Society.

These elected officers make up the Executive Committee

in its entirety.


Meetings: The time and place of meetings will be

recommended by the Executive Committee and

Society Radio Station: Radio station(s) for the use of

licensed amateur radio operators may be maintained.

The operation of the station(s) will be under the jurisdic-

tion of the Trustee named on the station license and the

operation of the station(s) must be conducted in a

manner satisfactory and acceptable to the Trustee and in

accordance with the Federal Communications Com-

mission rules and regulations.


Committees: Committees shall be established to oper-

ate the Society in the most efficient and effective

manner possible. The specific committees and their

respective duties are defined in the bylaws.


Quorum: No binding action may be taken by the

Society unless a quorum is present at Society meetings.

A quorum shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the

Society’s total voting membership.


No part of the assets or income of our corporation shall

be the property of any member or members, but such

assets and income shall be devoted exclusively to the

purposes herein set forth.

The West Tennessee Amateur Radio Society is organized

exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as

defined within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the

Internal Revenue Code; including the fostering of

education in the field of electronic communications and

the dissemination of knowledge by electronic means.


Amendments: This Constitution may be amended by

two-thirds of the voting members of the Society. Ab-

sentee ballots will be permitted for this purpose.


Authority: The purpose of this document, and its

bylaws, is to update and clarify points of possible

confusion in previous documents. Upon adoption of

this Constitution, all prior versions of bylaws and

amendments of the organization previously known as

the Jackson Radio Club, Inc. will become null and void.

This Constitution along with the Society’s bylaws will

be the primary documents controlling the Society’s

operations and business.

This Constitution was approved and adopted on the

19th day of August, 1993.




Kenny Johns, AB4EG, President

Tim Clark, KB4RPV, Secretary