Caregiver Resources and Suggestions

Fayetteville VA Medical Center

2300 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301

Phone: 910-488-2120 Or 910-488-2120

Sharon E. Locklear, ACSW, LCSW : 910-488-2120 X 5495

Tiffany Puckett, MSW, LCSW: 910-488-2120 X 7238

Timothy Tyler, MSW, LCSW: 910-450-2522

Yolanda Myles, MSW, LCSW: 910-488-2120 X 7421


Caregiver Bill of Rights

Last Updated: April 2, 2013

I have the right…to take care of myself. This is not an act of selfishness. It will give me the capability of taking better care of my relative.

I have the right…to seek help from others even though my relatives may object. I recognize the limits of my own endurance and strength.

I have the right…to maintain facets of my own life that do not include the person I care for, just as I would if he or she were healthy. I know that I do everything that I reasonably can for this person, and I have the right to do some things just for myself.

I have the right…to get angry, be depressed, and express other difficult feelings occasionally.

I have the right… to reject any attempts by my relative (either conscious or unconscious) to manipulate me through guilt and/or depression.

I have the right…to receive consideration, affection, forgiveness, and acceptance from my loved one for what I do, for as long as I offer these qualities in return.

I have the right…to take pride in what I am accomplishing and to applaud the courage it has sometimes taken to meet the needs of my relative.

I have the right…to protect my individuality and my right to make a life for myself that will sustain me in the time when my relative no longer needs my full-time help.

I have the right…to expect and demand that as new strides are made in finding resources to aid physically and mentally impaired persons in our country, similar strides will be made towards aiding and supporting caregivers.


Caregiver Strain Index

Caregiver Program for Veterans and Family

A Primary Family Caregiver stipend is monetary compensation paid to a Primary Family Caregiver for providing personal care services to an eligible Veteran enrolled in the Caregiver Program.

VA knows your focus as a Family Caregiver is taking care of the Veteran you love. It can be an incredibly demanding job, and we want you to know you don't have to do it alone. Learn more about the support and services VA offers Family Caregivers .

Veterans can download a copy of the Family Caregiver program application (VA CG 10-10) at The application enables the Veteran to designate a primary Family Caregiver and secondary Family Caregivers if needed. Caregiver Support Coordinators are stationed at every VA medical center and via phone at 1-877-222 VETS (8387) to assist Veterans and their Family Caregivers with the application process.

Adapted from the book, CareGiving: Helping an Aging Loved One, by Jo Horne, published in 1985 by the American Association of Retired Persons, found on "A Place for".

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